Saturday, December 20, 2014
A Pennsylvania police officer, Brian, put the blame for recent law enforcement issues on the litigious sue-happy environment that police must deal with. "The lawyers are running the entire show and the fear of litigation is running the police services in this country," he related. Brian spoke about the tragic death of Eric Garner, who died due to compression of the neck. Some but not Brian think Garner had his chest "sat on" by officers attempting to arrest him for selling black market cigarettes. Tax collection problems regarding "lost revenue" brought about an order "from upstairs" (Official Democrat Deniven Imported from Udder State (ODDIUS) to stop independent sales of cigarettes from the N.Y. mayor and other politicians trickled down to police to enforce tax collections due to the illegal sales impacting cigarette tax revenues, Brian revealed. "That cop didn't wake up that morning and say, 'I'm going to go out there and catch some cigarette sellers.' He probably walked into a roll call and was told you need to go out and get these guys," Brian added.
Hey, ODDIUS if they bought a pack of cigs they PAID the tax, then they can sell individual cigs for $1 each if the traffic braes it.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Tea Party #1 Patriots
The TEA Party Movement (TEA is a backronym for Taxed Enough Already) is an ongoing, nationwide mainstream movement of grassroots protesters, encompassing millions of individuals and thousands of self-organizing groups, all united in accomplishing a single goal: returning fiscal responsibility and limited government to the United States through the exercise of political activism. The ones foisting fiscal IRRESPONSIBLLITY, BUYING VOTES, HIRING THEIR FRIENDS to expand government PLACE ALL SORTS OF FOUL WORDS and DIRTY NAMES on the Tea Party. Then UNION THUGS BEAT UP A BLACK MAN passing out "Don't Tread On Me" little yellow flags! The main focus of the TEA Party Movement is a rebuke of outrageous mandates, overspending and a radical agenda by an out of touch federal government with values similar to King George III. For more look up Boston Tea Party. The Federal Deficit is over 16 TRILLION DOLLARS and counting! Where do Democrats and RINO GOP think USA will FIND THIS MONEY? They don't really know and they do not seem to CARE.
There were numerous "beginnings" spontaneously that occured all over America. It was so profound and inspirational that soon POSERS started calling themselves Tea Party Leaders. Some even had NAMES that they had put some thought into. Some had paid $4 and had "registered at the courthouse". Some were sincere, somewhat inspired, flash-in-the-pan copycats but a few were GOP and Democrat establishment mis-leaders leading people astray in a vain phony attempt to "steal Tea Party THUNDER". Truely DISPICABLE and LOW if insencere as several hard shell liberals with evil in their hearts attempted to fool otherwise well-meaning people into following THEM down the primrose lane wearing ROSE-COLORED GLASSES, not a care in the the proverbial snowball in the slick chute piping that is headed for HELL. Some patriots, disillusioned by the pomp and circumstance of the phonies allowed that to break their spirit while others bounced back, backing worthy candidates all over America that sorely needed backing and grassroots support when NONE WAS FORTHCOMING FROM THEIR OWN POLITICAL PARTY. The Democrats had dissolved their CONSERVATIVE GROUP years ago when the left overpowered and overMONEYED their efforts. Guys like Zell Miller, seeing there was no hope for the Democrats...retired...
The birth of the true bonifide real deal Tea Party Movement is often traced to a prominent speech of February 2009. Nevertheless while Rick Santelli's famous impassioned speech on CNBC was perhaps the most visible spark that ignited Tea Party gatherings across the USA, the movement's genesis was in progress long before that notable day.[3] The movement was in gestation for years, in the hearts and minds of American citizens concerned about the path down which progressive policies have been taking the United States of America. The emergence of the Tea party Movement has been called Main Street America's indictment against the ruling class.[4]
In the fall of 2007, supporters of Ron Paul staged a re-enactment of the Boston Tea Party as a fundraiser event, and to promote Paul's bid for the presidency.[5][6] With a silent but growing number of concerned citizens worried about the increasing government debt, impetus was given to the grassroots movement when radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh criticized the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on January 27, 2009. Limbaugh accurately predicted the stimulus bill would make the recession worse, and said it is the wrong kind of government intervention.
“ I don't believe it is a "stimulus plan" at all -- I don't think it stimulates anything but the Democratic Party. This 'porkulus' bill is designed to repair the Democratic Party's power losses from the 1990s forward, and to cement the party's majority power for decades."[7] ”
On February 9, 2009, a Cape Coral woman named Mary Rakovich led a small protest outside President Barack Obama's townhall meeting in Fort Myers, Florida.[8][9] Then in late March of 2009, faced with the prospect of heavy fines from the city for not having the proper permitting or insurance, Mary Rakovich moved forward with future protests but with the backing of national organization FreedomWorks. Rakovich said FreedomWorks offered to provide the insurance per the city's rules.[10]
The first anti-spending protest, organized by Liberty Belle, occurred in Seattle, Washington on February 16, 2009.[11][12] Another protest was held the following day in Denver on February 17,[13] and a protest in Mesa, Arizona on February 18 brought 500 protesters.[14] The American people began organizing Tea Party protests en masse after Rick Santelli's famous speech on February 19, when he declared, "We're thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July! All you capitalists that want to show up at Lake Michigan, I'm going to start organizing."
Shout Heard 'Round the World
The Tea Party Movement gained support when on February 19, on live TV, CNBC reporter Rick Santelli argued about the bailouts and shouted, "The government is promoting bad behavior."[15][16] Standing in the middle of the Chicago Stock Exchange, Santelli declared that America needed "a new kind of tea party," so that citizens can express their discontent with "the government's support of fiscal irresponsibility."[17][18][19]
“ The government is promoting bad behavior! [...] How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills? Raise their hand. (boos) President Obama, are you listening?! We're thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July. All you capitalists that want to show up at Lake Michigan, I'm going to start organizing. [...] I'll tell you what, if you read our Founding Fathers, people like Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson, what we're doing in this country now, is making them roll over in their graves.[20] ”
With the help of DontGo, Top Conservatives on Twitter (TCOT), Smart Girl Politics (SGP), The American Spectator, Americans for Tax Reform, FreedomWorks, and The Heartland Institute, the Chicago Tea Parties were scheduled to happen nationwide on February 27, 2009.[21]
February 27th Tea Parties
Americans across the country gathered in 50 cities to protest the newly-passed Stimulus Bill of 2009.[22] Over 30,000 people made it to this event.[23] Many at the event were upset over the economic stimulus packages and bailouts for Wall Street pushed through by both President Bush and President Obama's administrations.[24][19]
Location Sponsors[25] Details
Atlanta, Georgia TCOT, SGP, Don'tGo A reported 300 to 400 protesters gathered outside the Georgia Capitol in protest of a $787 billion recovery bill.[26][27]
Chicago, Illinois Don'tGo[28] Approximately 300 people braved the 25 degree cold and wind in Chicago.[29][30][19]
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas Americans for Prosperity,[31] TCOT, SGP, Don'tGo, Dallas County Young Republicans A "Texas-sized Tea Party" of 300 or more Texans met in Fort Worth, protesting big government and taxes.[32] One sponsor, TCOT, collected over 800 signatures during the event.[33]
Denver, Colorado TCOT, SGP, Don'tGo At the East Capitol Steps, 100 "Atlas Shrugged" fans braved cold temperatures for a "Nationwide Chicago Tea Party" to protest the Obama Administration's bailout plan.[34][35]
Houston, Texas TBD Large groups, not entirely made up of Republicans, tried to create a modern day version of the Boston Tea Party.[36][37]
Washington, D.C. Americans for Prosperity, Americans for Tax Reform, Young Conservatives Coalition, The Heartland Institute The American Tea Party made some noise outside the White House.[38][39] Several hundred taxpayers showed up at the DC Tea Party protest in Lafayette Park,[40][41] including "Joe the Plumber."[42]
Scheduled Rallies
Tax Day Tea Party
Main Article: Tax Day Tea Party
Success from the Chicago Tea Party protests, as part of a concerted nationwide effort, led to the first of many scheduled Tea Party rallies. Following the February 27th Tea Parties, a group called Americans for Prosperity of North Carolina began implementing plans for a "Tax Day" Tea Party rally in Raleigh on the tax filing deadline.[43] Leading up to the Tax Day Tea Parties, the events were organized and promoted by volunteers, activists, and Political action committees across the United States.[44] By taking advantage of online viral marketing to get the word out,[45] the speed and scope with which the Tax Day Tea Party protests were organized can be attributed to the use of Twitter #TCOT feeds,[46] on blogs,[47] and the social networking Website Facebook.[48]
The Tea Party Movement held its first scheduled nationwide protest on April 15, 2009, a day that became known as the Tax Day Tea Party.[49][50] In the spirit of the Founding Fathers Boston Tea Party, the rallies used themes from the American Revolution and also adopted the "American Tea Party Anthem," a song first performed during a March 21, 2009 Orlando, Florida Tea Party that drew over 4,000 people.[51][52][53] Dick Armey of FreedomWorks became one of Washington's principal supporters of the Tea Party movement.[54] Glenn Beck, Rand Paul, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and many others encouraged and even participated in aspects of the movement.
President Obama is seen to have responded to the tea parties with requested budget cuts of $100 million on April 20, 2009.[55] Rush Limbaugh contended, "I'm sure they've got internal polling data that shows these tea parties are successful and these tea parties are a problem. So they're responding to the tea parties here. That's all this is." According to a Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey on April 20, 2009, the poll found that fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans had a favorable view of the tea parties held nationwide, including 32% who said their view of the events were "Very favorable." Thirty-three percent (33%) held an unfavorable opinion of the tea parties. Fifteen percent (15%) were not sure.[56]
The Tea Party Patriots[57] announced a milestone in the Tea Party movement: 2 million people attended the April 15 Tea Party events across the country in 2010, and 2,000 groups are now voluntarily affiliated with the Tea Party Patriots through its Web site.[58][59] Recent polls have shown that 48% of voters believe their views are reflected more closely in the values of the Tea Party movement than in the views of President Obama.
Independence Day
Main Article: Independence Day Tea Party
The same organizations decided to repeat their performance on Independence Day (July 4, 2009). Even more people attended; the largest such rally was held on the grounds of the Southfork Ranch (scene of the television series Dallas '), in Plano, Texas, which drew 37,000 attendees. The themes that organizers and participants sounded at these events were much the same as were those at the Tax Day events: advocacy of limited government, decrying of high levels of taxation, and refusal to countenance plans for socialism and especially socialized medicine.
Labor Day
Several organizations also organized Tea Parties on Labor Day, once again sounding the same limited-government, low-tax, and anti-socialistic themes. Those organizations that did not plan such events often referred people to those that did.
September 12 March on Washington
Main Article: September 12 March on Washington
The largest TEA Party event thus far has been the September 12 March on Washington, DC. This was an event organized initially by the FreedomWorks Foundation, but nearly all Tea Party organizations decided to participate in this event, primarily by chartering buses and registering people for transportation to Washington. FreedomWorks estimates that 600,000 to 800,000 persons attended, and they base that estimate on the number of persons who responded when their Master of Ceremonies asked all attendees within earshot to send the text message "Freedom" to a designated five-digit telephone number. However, the London Daily Mail estimates attendance at as many as a million persons, on the basis of eyewitness accounts and aerial-photographic evidence.[60] Estimates of total attendance are difficult to obtain, primarily because the size of the crowd far exceeded the estimates by the event planners, with the result that many attendees were never able to get within earshot of the stage or even the sound system, and the temporary sanitary facilities were hopelessly jammed, with fifty persons standing in line to use each portable "necessary."
Operation: Can You Hear us Now?
TEA party demonstrations have targeted local and national media outs across the country to oppose massive government spending. In a press release, the movement was led by FaxDC in about 100 cities across the U.S. on September 17th. [61] Rush Limbaugh has previously spoke for the need for such media targeted TEA protests.
NBC studios in Burbank
CNN in Atlanta and
Affiliate stations of NBC, ABC and CBS
The New York Times
Los Angeles Times
Other prominent newspapers.
TEA Party Movie
TEA PARTY: The Documentary Film was released Thanksgiving Day 2009, is a documentary of five grassroots activists. The story line "from home town rally goers and rally organizers to national activists taking part in the 912 Taxpayer March on Washington." The theme is about principles, a call for a return to constitutionally limited government, personal responsibility, and fiscal restraint at the Federal level. TEA Party the Movie
Pink Slips Campaign
Main Article: Pink Slips campaign
Organized in part by Joseph Farah from WorldNetDaily, they had a goal of sending each and every member of Congress more than 5,000,000 pink slips.
Each pink slip reads YOU ARE BEING PUT ON NOTICE and
government health care
cap and trade
"hate crimes"
any more spending
"If you vote for any of these, your real pink slip will be issued in the next election"
As of November 2009, 8 million pink slips have been sent to Congress at a cost of $29 each [62]
Noteworthy achievements
The first Tea Party activist to win a special election for a state assembly seat was Dean Murray in Long Island.[63]
The most stunning victory credited to the Tea Party Movement, specifically to the Tea Party Express, was the surprise nomination of Sharron Angle over the establishment favorite Sue Lowden as the Republican candidate for the Senate seat of Nevada.
The Tea Party Movement is credited with helping to elect Senator Scott Brown in an upset for the seat formerly held by the late Ted Kennedy.
For the 2010 Midterm Elections, the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition listed the top 50 Tea Party candidates running for U.S. House of Representatives; 31 of 50 of these challengers won their elections.[64]
They also won several Senate seats, electing Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Pat Toomey, and Mike Lee to the Senate in the 2010 elections.
Conservatives picked up a total of 63 seats in the House of Representatives for the 2010 Midterm Elections.
The Tea Party once again played a role in elections in 2012, responsible for Richard Mourdock's defeat of long-term incumbent RINO Richard Lugar and Ted Cruz's defeat of entrenched establishment Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst in Republican primaries and Governor Scott Walker's winning his recall election.
The Tea Party Movement has exposed the progressive agenda and its significant correlation with the failings of higher education in America.[65]
“ Neither professors of political science nor of history have made a priority of instructing students in the founding principles of American constitutional government. Nor have they taught about the contest between the progressive vision and the conservative vision that has characterized American politics since Woodrow Wilson helped launch the progressive movement in the late 19th century by arguing that the Constitution had become obsolete and hindered democratic reform. ... They do little to teach about self-government. They certainly do not teach about the virtues, or qualities of mind and character, that enable citizens to shoulder their political responsibilities and prosper amidst the opportunities and uncertainties that freedom brings. Nor do they teach the beliefs, practices and associations that foster such virtues and those that endanger them. ... [America's] universities have produced two generations of highly educated people who seem unable to recognize the spirited defense of fundamental American principles, even when it takes place for more than a year and a half right in front of their noses. ”
The Tea Party Movement is a protest of the generational theft of public tax monies, the tremendous extensions of United States Federal debt and authority, the apparent restructuring of the Federal government with the intent to contravene the system of checks and balances for which the Constitution provides, and the attempt, which some movement organizers say has been in progress for several decades, to sacrifice liberty for permanent dependency. The Tea Party Movement began with a protest against two aspects of current public policy:
Excessive taxation
Special privilege
Rick Santelli specifically cited the mortgage bailout policies of early 2009 as a prize example of the government doing special favors for certain classes of voters, in return for their continued support, and also of the "moral hazard" in which such policies inevitably place anyone who "buys on time," i.e., buys any sort of asset, from a home appliance to a parcel of real estate, using borrowed money.
As the movement has progressed, it has begun to sound broader themes, which one may best summarize as:
Limited government
A requirement that government live within its own means, just as individuals must live within theirs
Freedom of all varieties of production and trade
Respect for the United States Constitution
Autonomy of local organizers
Most organization of Tea Parties and similar events is local. Typical of the movement is the Morristown Tea Party Organization (Morristown, New Jersey), which has a five-member board of trustees and about fifty dedicated volunteers who handle operations, communication, and logistics without assistance or direction from any regional or other organization. State-wide coordinating bodies do exist (for example, New Jersey Tea Parties United), but local organizations are responsible for most of their activities, fund-raising, and legal functioning. In this regard, the Tea Party Movement is similar to the Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America, which never seeks to dictate to individual churches how they must conduct their affairs.
Individual comportment and deportment
Event participants, and especially event planners, are urged to comport themselves in a manner respectful of the rights and feelings of others. Organizational leaders consciously endeavor to distinguish their movement from many liberal protest movements, which often characterize themselves by rude behavior, vandalism, and even physical assaults against their opponents. Any person who persistently suggests that Tea Party Movement participants engage in activities remotely similar to this may usually consider themselves excluded, and in some cases organizers have summoned law-enforcement authorities to deal with provocative behavior by attendees at planning and other meetings.
By far the most prominent symbol at Tea Parties is the Gadsden Rattlesnake Flag.[66][67] The Come And Take It Flag has also appeared most notably at the September 12 March on Washington. Tea Party participants have almost always used home-made and home-decorated signs and other artifacts, in sharp contrast to the uniform, professionally printed signs carried at liberal demonstrations.
Most of the signs bear lampoons of the most highly publicized Obama Administration policies, from "Czars" to socialized medicine; moreover, Barack Obama is not the only target of criticism, the MSM has also been challenged in some rallies, both for their failings in covering the Tea Party Movement and also for what most participants regard as a collective decision by Mainstream Media organs to function as de facto government and/or Democratic Party as organs rather than the objective and disinterested commentators that they pretend to be.
Some of the signs that have been seen and photographed at these events have provoked cries of outrage from Tea Party Movement opponents, alleging bad taste, e.g. a picture of Barack Obama with the square mustache affected by Adolf Hitler and bearing the caption "I've Changed," and a sign bearing the message "Bury ObamaCare with Kennedy." After the liberal Mainstream Media quickly blamed conservatives and even Rush Limbaugh, some research was done to find the true source of the Hitler poster. It was later uncovered that the provocative Hitler signs were from a group of far-left Lyndon LaRouche supporters, as they were infiltrating the Tea Party rallies as a means to spread their extreme visions.[68]
Demographic profile
A Quinnipiac Poll conducted in March 2010 found that thirteen percent of American voters say they are part of the Tea Party movement, a group containing more women than men. 49% told pollsters they voted for Barack Obama in 2008, while only 44% voted for John McCain.[69] Despite these findings, the White House has been linked to efforts to label the Tea Party as racist.[70]
News Coverage
Attitude of Tea Party Movement participants toward four MSM outlets
By far the most industrious news organization that has covered the Tea Party Movement is the Fox News Channel, especially with commentators Neil Cavuto, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Greta Van Susteren. Coverage of the Tea Party events by the Mainstream Media has lacked both quantity and quality. The three traditional broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) have attempted to falsely discredit these events as corporate-sponsored or sponsored by the Republican Party and other conservative or reactionary groups, and have generally censored the movement by refusing to cover major events.[71][72]
Uncivil Language
Several news anchors working for CNN and MSNBC used uncivil language to describe Tea Partiers and coined the phrase "teabaggers," which is a crude term used to slur conservatives. Additionally, President Obama used the crude term as an off-color connotation attempting to mock Tea Party Movement organizers and participants across the nation. During an interview with the New York Times, Barack Obama described the people of the Tea Party Movement as "the teabag, anti-government [extremists]."[73] Vice President Joe Biden accused Tea Partiers of having "acted like terrorists" in a fight over raising the nation’s debt limit, according to several sources in the room with him, as reported by Politico.[74][75][76]
Confronted with an epidemic of joblessness in her home state of California, liberal-socialist[77] House representative Maxine Waters tried deflecting blame by telling a group of supporters that the "Tea Party can go straight to hell."[78] She then threatened: "And I intend to help them get there."[79] At a Labor Day speech with Barack Obama in attendance, right before the president spoke, James P. Hoffa declared war against the Tea Party Movement. He offered to a cheering Obama, "President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these sons of bitches out."[80][81] In a show of the same attitudes that several liberal leaders have expressed in graphic and ugly form, anonymous liberals created a Tea Party murder game, called "Tea Party Zombies Must Die."[82]
Death Threats
Tea Party organizers are not controlled or funded by the Republican Party or any established interest group. However, FreedomWorks and Dick Armey are well known supporters of the Tea Party Movement, and thus receive dozens of threatening and harassing calls and E-mails each day. FreedomWorks provided U.S. News & World Report with some of the recordings of the threatening calls, which include physical threats and profanity aimed at the group, Tea Party spokesmen and even conservative talkers. "You guys better watch it," says one caller. "Now, we are going to destroy and obliterate Rush [Limbaugh] and Sean Hannity," said another. "Those two guys are dead."[83]
Gordon Anderson wrote:
“ Corruption and abuse of power seek to cloak themselves under the banner of security interests in order create elite ruling classes that are a threat to the security of those they are sworn to protect and the constitutions they are supposed to uphold. Citizens in both the United States and the European Union are witnessing the fruits of their lack of vigilance. This is a core underlying concern and reason for the rise of the “Tea Party” movement and its European counterparts. Such movements will continue arise as leaders of the so-called “free world” continue to violate the major principles of sound governance and hide corrupt actions under veils of secrecy.[84] ”
In late 2009, the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed 41% of Americans had a positive view of the tea party movement and 24% had a negative view . By contrast, 35% of Americans had a positive view of the Democrats and 28% had a positive view of the Republican Party.[85] By the beginning of 2013, the percentage of people saying they have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party had dropped to 30% with 49% saying they had an unfavorable opinion.[86]
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↑ Morning Bell: The Tea Party Movement,, April 15th, 2009.
↑ Glenn Beck. What the Tea Parties Are About, April 16, 2009.
↑ Tea Party Arose From Conservatives Steeped in Crisis. Birth of a Movement, The Wall Street Journal, October 29, 2010.
↑ Doug Mainwaring. MAINWARING: Tea Party's inception a rebirth, The Washington Times, August 13, 2010.
↑ Who Started The Modern Day Tea Party Movement? (video),, (Accessed August 19, 2011).
↑ Warner Todd Huston. AP Tars Tea Party Movement as ‘Grandfathered’ By Ron Paul,, May 14, 2011.
↑ Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh: My Bipartisan Stimulus,, January 29, 2009.
↑ Those outside Harborside in Fort Myers had plenty to see, say, The News-Press, February 11, 2009.
↑ Dick Armey, Matt Kibbe. A Tea Party Manifesto, Wall Street Journal, August 17, 2010.
↑ Tea party finds new life, broadens cause,, March, 31, 2009.
↑ Derek Erwin. A 'Dozen' Ring Liberty Belle's Sound, 800 Cities Ring-Back, A 1-In-100 Blogger, accessed April 18, 2009.
↑ Michelle Malkin, Glenn Reynolds. Tea Party Protests: Mesa, Seattle, Denver, PJTV, February 16, 2009.
↑ President Signs Massive Stimulus In Denver, accessed April 2, 2009.
↑ Gary Grado, Sonu Munshi, Hayley Ringle. More than 500 protest Obama's arrival, accessed April 2, 2009.
↑ Transcript of Rick Santelli's speech, February 19, 2009.
↑ Rick Santelli's Shout Heard 'Round the World,, February 19, 2009.
↑ Jennifer Rubin. Mr. President: Turn Back While There’s Still Time, Pajamas Media, February 20, 2009.
↑ Matt Drudge. Rick Santelli - The Rant Heard 'Round the World',, February 19, 2009.
↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Andy Roesgen. Protesters Gather for Self-Styled Tea Party,, February 27, 2009.
↑ Rick Santelli, February 19, 2009.
↑ The Chicago Tea Party is on!, February 23, 2009.
↑ Talking Points and Theme for the Nationwide Chicago Tea Party, The TCOT Report, February 24, 2009.
↑ Teri Christoph. SGP.TeaParty, Smart Girl Politics, February 27, 2009.
↑ Raleigh Holds 'Tea Party' To Protest Government, Raleigh Telegram, March 25, 2009.
↑ Schedule of American Tea party Protests (with Sponsors), February 27, 2009.
↑ Budget debate launches new tea party, February 27, 2009.
↑ Tea Party from Atlanta,, February 17, 2009.
↑ Don'tGo Movement: Pledge to Have a Representation at Chicago Tea Party, February 19, 2009.
↑ BREAKING - Chicago Tea Party (Pictures) UPDATED Now With Video!, February 27, 2009.
↑ The Birth of a New Revolution, February 27, 2009.
↑ The Tea Parties were successful - here's the proof, February 23, 2009.
↑ Tea Party '09 made the world news, February 27, 2009.
↑ Tea Party '09, February 28, 2009.
↑ Ayn Rand stars at Denver stimulus ‘tea party’ protest, Colorado Independent, February 28, 2009.
↑ Denver Tea Party, Colorado, February 24, 2009.
↑ Houston Tea Party Society, In the News, Audio, Video, February 27, 2009.
↑ Houston's Tax Day tea party, February 27, 2009.
↑ DC Tea Party thrown at the White House, The Washington Examiner, February 27, 2009.
↑ 2009 Taxpayer Tea party, February 28, 2009.
↑ Michelle Malkin. Scenes from the D.C. Tea Party, February 27, 2009.
↑ Video from the DC Tea Party, FreedomWorks, February 28, 2009.
↑ Joe the Plumber at D.C. Tea Party: No one on the Hill gives a rip about you, Hot Air, February 27, 2009.
↑ Raleigh Holds 'Tea Party' To Protest Government, Raleigh Telegram, March 25, 2009.
↑ 'Tea Party' Protests In 35 Cities, March 2, 2009.
↑ TCOT Report, The TCOT Report.
↑ Marc Ambinder. Tea Parties, Pajamas, and Media/Event Symbiotics, The Atlantic, February 25, 2009.
↑ “Going Galt” and the next Tea Party wave, Michelle Malkin, March 4, 2009.
↑ Tax Day Becomes Protest Day, Wall Street Journal, April 15, 2009.
↑ Thousands of Anti-Tax 'Tea Party' Protesters Turn Out in U.S. Cities,, April 15, 2009.
↑ Michelle Malkin. Tea Party U.S.A.: The movement grows, February 21, 2009.
↑ "Tea Party" Song Becomes YouTube Hit. Newsblaze, March 23, 2009.
↑ Andrea Shea King. American Tea Party Anthem Singer Lloyd Marcus: "This whole thing is Rush Limbaugh’s fault.", Big Hollywood, April 14, 2009.
↑ Dick Armey to Speak at Atlanta Tea Party,, April 15, 2009.
↑ Rush Limbaugh. Obama Responded to Tea Parties with $100 Million in "Budget Cuts",, April 21, 2009.
↑ 51% View Tea Parties Favorably, Political Class Strongly Disagrees, Rasmussen Reports, April 20, 2009.
↑ PR Newswire. Tea Party Numbers Released: 2 Million, 2 Thousand, Breitbart, April 29, 2010.
↑ Greta Van Susteren. Tea Parties on Tax Day, GretaWire, April 16, 2010.
↑ Gardner D, "A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'," The London Daily Mail, September 14, 2009. Accessed September 16, 2009.
↑ Tea Party Movement Denounces Media Corruption,, October 19, 2009.
↑ True grass-roots effort? The 'pink slips' campaign,, November 25, 2009
↑ Meet the First Tea Party Activist to Be Elected Into Office, Fox News, February 19, 2010.
↑ Election Day Tea Party 2010,, a project of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition.
↑ Our universities haven't taught much political history for decades. No wonder so many progressives have disdain for the principles that animated the Federalist debates. Why Liberals Don't Get the Tea Party Movement, by Peter Berkowitz, The Wall Street Journal, October 16, 2010.
↑ Heraldric: Or a rattlesnake sable and or coiled as to strike, facing sinister, on a bed of grass vert; motto "Don't Tread On Me"
↑ Gadsden Flag at Tea Party Protests
↑ Seton Motley. NBC, CNN and MSNBC All Assign Communist LaRouche's Obama-Hitler Poster to Conservatives, Limbaugh, NewsBusters, August 12, 2009.
↑ Quinnipiac Poll, Question 50e, March 2010.
↑ Baker B, "ABC, CBS and NBC Try to Discredit 'Tea Party' Protests," NewsBusters, 16 April 2009. Accessed September 16, 2009. Baker does a side-by-side comparison of coverage of the Tax Day Tea Parties and of several pro-immigration rallies held on 1 May 2006.
↑ Tea Party Group Hit With Death Threats Supporters of the Tea Party Movement receive death threats from socialists and liberal extremists, but the MSM looks the other way and refuses mention the story.
↑ Michael Patrick Leahy. In Pep Talk to Democrats Yesterday, Obama Used Crude Term to Slur Conservatives, The TCOT Report, November 8, 2009.
↑ Sources: Joe Biden likened tea partiers to terrorists, Politico, August 01, 2011.
↑ Tea Party Group Calls on Biden to Apologize for 'Terrorists' Remark,, August 02, 2011.
↑ Ryan Rhodes Calls the Program,, August 16, 2011.
↑ Maxine Waters threatens to nationalize U.S. oil industries, YouTube, (Accessed August 22, 2011).
↑ Tea Party Group Slams Rep. Waters Over 'Straight to Hell' Outburst,, August 22, 2011.
↑ Liberal MSM Omitted Maxine Waters Overt Threat to Tea Party, Bluegrass Pundit, August 22, 2011.
↑ Tiffany Gabbay. ‘Tea Party Zombies Must Die’: New Online Game Lets You Gun Down Beck, Bachmann, Palin…, The Blaze, September 6, 2011.
↑ Paul Bedard. Tea Party Group Hit With Death Threats, U.S. News & World Report, August 25, 2010.
↑ see "WSJ/NBC News Poll: Tea Party Tops Democrats and Republicans," Wall Street Journal Dec. 16, 2009
See Also
There were numerous "beginnings" spontaneously that occured all over America. It was so profound and inspirational that soon POSERS started calling themselves Tea Party Leaders. Some even had NAMES that they had put some thought into. Some had paid $4 and had "registered at the courthouse". Some were sincere, somewhat inspired, flash-in-the-pan copycats but a few were GOP and Democrat establishment mis-leaders leading people astray in a vain phony attempt to "steal Tea Party THUNDER". Truely DISPICABLE and LOW if insencere as several hard shell liberals with evil in their hearts attempted to fool otherwise well-meaning people into following THEM down the primrose lane wearing ROSE-COLORED GLASSES, not a care in the the proverbial snowball in the slick chute piping that is headed for HELL. Some patriots, disillusioned by the pomp and circumstance of the phonies allowed that to break their spirit while others bounced back, backing worthy candidates all over America that sorely needed backing and grassroots support when NONE WAS FORTHCOMING FROM THEIR OWN POLITICAL PARTY. The Democrats had dissolved their CONSERVATIVE GROUP years ago when the left overpowered and overMONEYED their efforts. Guys like Zell Miller, seeing there was no hope for the Democrats...retired...
The birth of the true bonifide real deal Tea Party Movement is often traced to a prominent speech of February 2009. Nevertheless while Rick Santelli's famous impassioned speech on CNBC was perhaps the most visible spark that ignited Tea Party gatherings across the USA, the movement's genesis was in progress long before that notable day.[3] The movement was in gestation for years, in the hearts and minds of American citizens concerned about the path down which progressive policies have been taking the United States of America. The emergence of the Tea party Movement has been called Main Street America's indictment against the ruling class.[4]
In the fall of 2007, supporters of Ron Paul staged a re-enactment of the Boston Tea Party as a fundraiser event, and to promote Paul's bid for the presidency.[5][6] With a silent but growing number of concerned citizens worried about the increasing government debt, impetus was given to the grassroots movement when radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh criticized the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on January 27, 2009. Limbaugh accurately predicted the stimulus bill would make the recession worse, and said it is the wrong kind of government intervention.
“ I don't believe it is a "stimulus plan" at all -- I don't think it stimulates anything but the Democratic Party. This 'porkulus' bill is designed to repair the Democratic Party's power losses from the 1990s forward, and to cement the party's majority power for decades."[7] ”
On February 9, 2009, a Cape Coral woman named Mary Rakovich led a small protest outside President Barack Obama's townhall meeting in Fort Myers, Florida.[8][9] Then in late March of 2009, faced with the prospect of heavy fines from the city for not having the proper permitting or insurance, Mary Rakovich moved forward with future protests but with the backing of national organization FreedomWorks. Rakovich said FreedomWorks offered to provide the insurance per the city's rules.[10]
The first anti-spending protest, organized by Liberty Belle, occurred in Seattle, Washington on February 16, 2009.[11][12] Another protest was held the following day in Denver on February 17,[13] and a protest in Mesa, Arizona on February 18 brought 500 protesters.[14] The American people began organizing Tea Party protests en masse after Rick Santelli's famous speech on February 19, when he declared, "We're thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July! All you capitalists that want to show up at Lake Michigan, I'm going to start organizing."
Shout Heard 'Round the World
The Tea Party Movement gained support when on February 19, on live TV, CNBC reporter Rick Santelli argued about the bailouts and shouted, "The government is promoting bad behavior."[15][16] Standing in the middle of the Chicago Stock Exchange, Santelli declared that America needed "a new kind of tea party," so that citizens can express their discontent with "the government's support of fiscal irresponsibility."[17][18][19]
“ The government is promoting bad behavior! [...] How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills? Raise their hand. (boos) President Obama, are you listening?! We're thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July. All you capitalists that want to show up at Lake Michigan, I'm going to start organizing. [...] I'll tell you what, if you read our Founding Fathers, people like Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson, what we're doing in this country now, is making them roll over in their graves.[20] ”
With the help of DontGo, Top Conservatives on Twitter (TCOT), Smart Girl Politics (SGP), The American Spectator, Americans for Tax Reform, FreedomWorks, and The Heartland Institute, the Chicago Tea Parties were scheduled to happen nationwide on February 27, 2009.[21]
February 27th Tea Parties
Americans across the country gathered in 50 cities to protest the newly-passed Stimulus Bill of 2009.[22] Over 30,000 people made it to this event.[23] Many at the event were upset over the economic stimulus packages and bailouts for Wall Street pushed through by both President Bush and President Obama's administrations.[24][19]
Location Sponsors[25] Details
Atlanta, Georgia TCOT, SGP, Don'tGo A reported 300 to 400 protesters gathered outside the Georgia Capitol in protest of a $787 billion recovery bill.[26][27]
Chicago, Illinois Don'tGo[28] Approximately 300 people braved the 25 degree cold and wind in Chicago.[29][30][19]
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas Americans for Prosperity,[31] TCOT, SGP, Don'tGo, Dallas County Young Republicans A "Texas-sized Tea Party" of 300 or more Texans met in Fort Worth, protesting big government and taxes.[32] One sponsor, TCOT, collected over 800 signatures during the event.[33]
Denver, Colorado TCOT, SGP, Don'tGo At the East Capitol Steps, 100 "Atlas Shrugged" fans braved cold temperatures for a "Nationwide Chicago Tea Party" to protest the Obama Administration's bailout plan.[34][35]
Houston, Texas TBD Large groups, not entirely made up of Republicans, tried to create a modern day version of the Boston Tea Party.[36][37]
Washington, D.C. Americans for Prosperity, Americans for Tax Reform, Young Conservatives Coalition, The Heartland Institute The American Tea Party made some noise outside the White House.[38][39] Several hundred taxpayers showed up at the DC Tea Party protest in Lafayette Park,[40][41] including "Joe the Plumber."[42]
Scheduled Rallies
Tax Day Tea Party
Main Article: Tax Day Tea Party
Success from the Chicago Tea Party protests, as part of a concerted nationwide effort, led to the first of many scheduled Tea Party rallies. Following the February 27th Tea Parties, a group called Americans for Prosperity of North Carolina began implementing plans for a "Tax Day" Tea Party rally in Raleigh on the tax filing deadline.[43] Leading up to the Tax Day Tea Parties, the events were organized and promoted by volunteers, activists, and Political action committees across the United States.[44] By taking advantage of online viral marketing to get the word out,[45] the speed and scope with which the Tax Day Tea Party protests were organized can be attributed to the use of Twitter #TCOT feeds,[46] on blogs,[47] and the social networking Website Facebook.[48]
The Tea Party Movement held its first scheduled nationwide protest on April 15, 2009, a day that became known as the Tax Day Tea Party.[49][50] In the spirit of the Founding Fathers Boston Tea Party, the rallies used themes from the American Revolution and also adopted the "American Tea Party Anthem," a song first performed during a March 21, 2009 Orlando, Florida Tea Party that drew over 4,000 people.[51][52][53] Dick Armey of FreedomWorks became one of Washington's principal supporters of the Tea Party movement.[54] Glenn Beck, Rand Paul, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and many others encouraged and even participated in aspects of the movement.
President Obama is seen to have responded to the tea parties with requested budget cuts of $100 million on April 20, 2009.[55] Rush Limbaugh contended, "I'm sure they've got internal polling data that shows these tea parties are successful and these tea parties are a problem. So they're responding to the tea parties here. That's all this is." According to a Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey on April 20, 2009, the poll found that fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans had a favorable view of the tea parties held nationwide, including 32% who said their view of the events were "Very favorable." Thirty-three percent (33%) held an unfavorable opinion of the tea parties. Fifteen percent (15%) were not sure.[56]
The Tea Party Patriots[57] announced a milestone in the Tea Party movement: 2 million people attended the April 15 Tea Party events across the country in 2010, and 2,000 groups are now voluntarily affiliated with the Tea Party Patriots through its Web site.[58][59] Recent polls have shown that 48% of voters believe their views are reflected more closely in the values of the Tea Party movement than in the views of President Obama.
Independence Day
Main Article: Independence Day Tea Party
The same organizations decided to repeat their performance on Independence Day (July 4, 2009). Even more people attended; the largest such rally was held on the grounds of the Southfork Ranch (scene of the television series Dallas '), in Plano, Texas, which drew 37,000 attendees. The themes that organizers and participants sounded at these events were much the same as were those at the Tax Day events: advocacy of limited government, decrying of high levels of taxation, and refusal to countenance plans for socialism and especially socialized medicine.
Labor Day
Several organizations also organized Tea Parties on Labor Day, once again sounding the same limited-government, low-tax, and anti-socialistic themes. Those organizations that did not plan such events often referred people to those that did.
September 12 March on Washington
Main Article: September 12 March on Washington
The largest TEA Party event thus far has been the September 12 March on Washington, DC. This was an event organized initially by the FreedomWorks Foundation, but nearly all Tea Party organizations decided to participate in this event, primarily by chartering buses and registering people for transportation to Washington. FreedomWorks estimates that 600,000 to 800,000 persons attended, and they base that estimate on the number of persons who responded when their Master of Ceremonies asked all attendees within earshot to send the text message "Freedom" to a designated five-digit telephone number. However, the London Daily Mail estimates attendance at as many as a million persons, on the basis of eyewitness accounts and aerial-photographic evidence.[60] Estimates of total attendance are difficult to obtain, primarily because the size of the crowd far exceeded the estimates by the event planners, with the result that many attendees were never able to get within earshot of the stage or even the sound system, and the temporary sanitary facilities were hopelessly jammed, with fifty persons standing in line to use each portable "necessary."
Operation: Can You Hear us Now?
TEA party demonstrations have targeted local and national media outs across the country to oppose massive government spending. In a press release, the movement was led by FaxDC in about 100 cities across the U.S. on September 17th. [61] Rush Limbaugh has previously spoke for the need for such media targeted TEA protests.
NBC studios in Burbank
CNN in Atlanta and
Affiliate stations of NBC, ABC and CBS
The New York Times
Los Angeles Times
Other prominent newspapers.
TEA Party Movie
TEA PARTY: The Documentary Film was released Thanksgiving Day 2009, is a documentary of five grassroots activists. The story line "from home town rally goers and rally organizers to national activists taking part in the 912 Taxpayer March on Washington." The theme is about principles, a call for a return to constitutionally limited government, personal responsibility, and fiscal restraint at the Federal level. TEA Party the Movie
Pink Slips Campaign
Main Article: Pink Slips campaign
Organized in part by Joseph Farah from WorldNetDaily, they had a goal of sending each and every member of Congress more than 5,000,000 pink slips.
Each pink slip reads YOU ARE BEING PUT ON NOTICE and
government health care
cap and trade
"hate crimes"
any more spending
"If you vote for any of these, your real pink slip will be issued in the next election"
As of November 2009, 8 million pink slips have been sent to Congress at a cost of $29 each [62]
Noteworthy achievements
The first Tea Party activist to win a special election for a state assembly seat was Dean Murray in Long Island.[63]
The most stunning victory credited to the Tea Party Movement, specifically to the Tea Party Express, was the surprise nomination of Sharron Angle over the establishment favorite Sue Lowden as the Republican candidate for the Senate seat of Nevada.
The Tea Party Movement is credited with helping to elect Senator Scott Brown in an upset for the seat formerly held by the late Ted Kennedy.
For the 2010 Midterm Elections, the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition listed the top 50 Tea Party candidates running for U.S. House of Representatives; 31 of 50 of these challengers won their elections.[64]
They also won several Senate seats, electing Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Pat Toomey, and Mike Lee to the Senate in the 2010 elections.
Conservatives picked up a total of 63 seats in the House of Representatives for the 2010 Midterm Elections.
The Tea Party once again played a role in elections in 2012, responsible for Richard Mourdock's defeat of long-term incumbent RINO Richard Lugar and Ted Cruz's defeat of entrenched establishment Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst in Republican primaries and Governor Scott Walker's winning his recall election.
The Tea Party Movement has exposed the progressive agenda and its significant correlation with the failings of higher education in America.[65]
“ Neither professors of political science nor of history have made a priority of instructing students in the founding principles of American constitutional government. Nor have they taught about the contest between the progressive vision and the conservative vision that has characterized American politics since Woodrow Wilson helped launch the progressive movement in the late 19th century by arguing that the Constitution had become obsolete and hindered democratic reform. ... They do little to teach about self-government. They certainly do not teach about the virtues, or qualities of mind and character, that enable citizens to shoulder their political responsibilities and prosper amidst the opportunities and uncertainties that freedom brings. Nor do they teach the beliefs, practices and associations that foster such virtues and those that endanger them. ... [America's] universities have produced two generations of highly educated people who seem unable to recognize the spirited defense of fundamental American principles, even when it takes place for more than a year and a half right in front of their noses. ”
The Tea Party Movement is a protest of the generational theft of public tax monies, the tremendous extensions of United States Federal debt and authority, the apparent restructuring of the Federal government with the intent to contravene the system of checks and balances for which the Constitution provides, and the attempt, which some movement organizers say has been in progress for several decades, to sacrifice liberty for permanent dependency. The Tea Party Movement began with a protest against two aspects of current public policy:
Excessive taxation
Special privilege
Rick Santelli specifically cited the mortgage bailout policies of early 2009 as a prize example of the government doing special favors for certain classes of voters, in return for their continued support, and also of the "moral hazard" in which such policies inevitably place anyone who "buys on time," i.e., buys any sort of asset, from a home appliance to a parcel of real estate, using borrowed money.
As the movement has progressed, it has begun to sound broader themes, which one may best summarize as:
Limited government
A requirement that government live within its own means, just as individuals must live within theirs
Freedom of all varieties of production and trade
Respect for the United States Constitution
Autonomy of local organizers
Most organization of Tea Parties and similar events is local. Typical of the movement is the Morristown Tea Party Organization (Morristown, New Jersey), which has a five-member board of trustees and about fifty dedicated volunteers who handle operations, communication, and logistics without assistance or direction from any regional or other organization. State-wide coordinating bodies do exist (for example, New Jersey Tea Parties United), but local organizations are responsible for most of their activities, fund-raising, and legal functioning. In this regard, the Tea Party Movement is similar to the Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America, which never seeks to dictate to individual churches how they must conduct their affairs.
Individual comportment and deportment
Event participants, and especially event planners, are urged to comport themselves in a manner respectful of the rights and feelings of others. Organizational leaders consciously endeavor to distinguish their movement from many liberal protest movements, which often characterize themselves by rude behavior, vandalism, and even physical assaults against their opponents. Any person who persistently suggests that Tea Party Movement participants engage in activities remotely similar to this may usually consider themselves excluded, and in some cases organizers have summoned law-enforcement authorities to deal with provocative behavior by attendees at planning and other meetings.
By far the most prominent symbol at Tea Parties is the Gadsden Rattlesnake Flag.[66][67] The Come And Take It Flag has also appeared most notably at the September 12 March on Washington. Tea Party participants have almost always used home-made and home-decorated signs and other artifacts, in sharp contrast to the uniform, professionally printed signs carried at liberal demonstrations.
Most of the signs bear lampoons of the most highly publicized Obama Administration policies, from "Czars" to socialized medicine; moreover, Barack Obama is not the only target of criticism, the MSM has also been challenged in some rallies, both for their failings in covering the Tea Party Movement and also for what most participants regard as a collective decision by Mainstream Media organs to function as de facto government and/or Democratic Party as organs rather than the objective and disinterested commentators that they pretend to be.
Some of the signs that have been seen and photographed at these events have provoked cries of outrage from Tea Party Movement opponents, alleging bad taste, e.g. a picture of Barack Obama with the square mustache affected by Adolf Hitler and bearing the caption "I've Changed," and a sign bearing the message "Bury ObamaCare with Kennedy." After the liberal Mainstream Media quickly blamed conservatives and even Rush Limbaugh, some research was done to find the true source of the Hitler poster. It was later uncovered that the provocative Hitler signs were from a group of far-left Lyndon LaRouche supporters, as they were infiltrating the Tea Party rallies as a means to spread their extreme visions.[68]
Demographic profile
A Quinnipiac Poll conducted in March 2010 found that thirteen percent of American voters say they are part of the Tea Party movement, a group containing more women than men. 49% told pollsters they voted for Barack Obama in 2008, while only 44% voted for John McCain.[69] Despite these findings, the White House has been linked to efforts to label the Tea Party as racist.[70]
News Coverage
Attitude of Tea Party Movement participants toward four MSM outlets
By far the most industrious news organization that has covered the Tea Party Movement is the Fox News Channel, especially with commentators Neil Cavuto, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Greta Van Susteren. Coverage of the Tea Party events by the Mainstream Media has lacked both quantity and quality. The three traditional broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) have attempted to falsely discredit these events as corporate-sponsored or sponsored by the Republican Party and other conservative or reactionary groups, and have generally censored the movement by refusing to cover major events.[71][72]
Uncivil Language
Several news anchors working for CNN and MSNBC used uncivil language to describe Tea Partiers and coined the phrase "teabaggers," which is a crude term used to slur conservatives. Additionally, President Obama used the crude term as an off-color connotation attempting to mock Tea Party Movement organizers and participants across the nation. During an interview with the New York Times, Barack Obama described the people of the Tea Party Movement as "the teabag, anti-government [extremists]."[73] Vice President Joe Biden accused Tea Partiers of having "acted like terrorists" in a fight over raising the nation’s debt limit, according to several sources in the room with him, as reported by Politico.[74][75][76]
Confronted with an epidemic of joblessness in her home state of California, liberal-socialist[77] House representative Maxine Waters tried deflecting blame by telling a group of supporters that the "Tea Party can go straight to hell."[78] She then threatened: "And I intend to help them get there."[79] At a Labor Day speech with Barack Obama in attendance, right before the president spoke, James P. Hoffa declared war against the Tea Party Movement. He offered to a cheering Obama, "President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these sons of bitches out."[80][81] In a show of the same attitudes that several liberal leaders have expressed in graphic and ugly form, anonymous liberals created a Tea Party murder game, called "Tea Party Zombies Must Die."[82]
Death Threats
Tea Party organizers are not controlled or funded by the Republican Party or any established interest group. However, FreedomWorks and Dick Armey are well known supporters of the Tea Party Movement, and thus receive dozens of threatening and harassing calls and E-mails each day. FreedomWorks provided U.S. News & World Report with some of the recordings of the threatening calls, which include physical threats and profanity aimed at the group, Tea Party spokesmen and even conservative talkers. "You guys better watch it," says one caller. "Now, we are going to destroy and obliterate Rush [Limbaugh] and Sean Hannity," said another. "Those two guys are dead."[83]
Gordon Anderson wrote:
“ Corruption and abuse of power seek to cloak themselves under the banner of security interests in order create elite ruling classes that are a threat to the security of those they are sworn to protect and the constitutions they are supposed to uphold. Citizens in both the United States and the European Union are witnessing the fruits of their lack of vigilance. This is a core underlying concern and reason for the rise of the “Tea Party” movement and its European counterparts. Such movements will continue arise as leaders of the so-called “free world” continue to violate the major principles of sound governance and hide corrupt actions under veils of secrecy.[84] ”
In late 2009, the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed 41% of Americans had a positive view of the tea party movement and 24% had a negative view . By contrast, 35% of Americans had a positive view of the Democrats and 28% had a positive view of the Republican Party.[85] By the beginning of 2013, the percentage of people saying they have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party had dropped to 30% with 49% saying they had an unfavorable opinion.[86]
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↑ Morning Bell: The Tea Party Movement,, April 15th, 2009.
↑ Glenn Beck. What the Tea Parties Are About, April 16, 2009.
↑ Tea Party Arose From Conservatives Steeped in Crisis. Birth of a Movement, The Wall Street Journal, October 29, 2010.
↑ Doug Mainwaring. MAINWARING: Tea Party's inception a rebirth, The Washington Times, August 13, 2010.
↑ Who Started The Modern Day Tea Party Movement? (video),, (Accessed August 19, 2011).
↑ Warner Todd Huston. AP Tars Tea Party Movement as ‘Grandfathered’ By Ron Paul,, May 14, 2011.
↑ Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh: My Bipartisan Stimulus,, January 29, 2009.
↑ Those outside Harborside in Fort Myers had plenty to see, say, The News-Press, February 11, 2009.
↑ Dick Armey, Matt Kibbe. A Tea Party Manifesto, Wall Street Journal, August 17, 2010.
↑ Tea party finds new life, broadens cause,, March, 31, 2009.
↑ Derek Erwin. A 'Dozen' Ring Liberty Belle's Sound, 800 Cities Ring-Back, A 1-In-100 Blogger, accessed April 18, 2009.
↑ Michelle Malkin, Glenn Reynolds. Tea Party Protests: Mesa, Seattle, Denver, PJTV, February 16, 2009.
↑ President Signs Massive Stimulus In Denver, accessed April 2, 2009.
↑ Gary Grado, Sonu Munshi, Hayley Ringle. More than 500 protest Obama's arrival, accessed April 2, 2009.
↑ Transcript of Rick Santelli's speech, February 19, 2009.
↑ Rick Santelli's Shout Heard 'Round the World,, February 19, 2009.
↑ Jennifer Rubin. Mr. President: Turn Back While There’s Still Time, Pajamas Media, February 20, 2009.
↑ Matt Drudge. Rick Santelli - The Rant Heard 'Round the World',, February 19, 2009.
↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Andy Roesgen. Protesters Gather for Self-Styled Tea Party,, February 27, 2009.
↑ Rick Santelli, February 19, 2009.
↑ The Chicago Tea Party is on!, February 23, 2009.
↑ Talking Points and Theme for the Nationwide Chicago Tea Party, The TCOT Report, February 24, 2009.
↑ Teri Christoph. SGP.TeaParty, Smart Girl Politics, February 27, 2009.
↑ Raleigh Holds 'Tea Party' To Protest Government, Raleigh Telegram, March 25, 2009.
↑ Schedule of American Tea party Protests (with Sponsors), February 27, 2009.
↑ Budget debate launches new tea party, February 27, 2009.
↑ Tea Party from Atlanta,, February 17, 2009.
↑ Don'tGo Movement: Pledge to Have a Representation at Chicago Tea Party, February 19, 2009.
↑ BREAKING - Chicago Tea Party (Pictures) UPDATED Now With Video!, February 27, 2009.
↑ The Birth of a New Revolution, February 27, 2009.
↑ The Tea Parties were successful - here's the proof, February 23, 2009.
↑ Tea Party '09 made the world news, February 27, 2009.
↑ Tea Party '09, February 28, 2009.
↑ Ayn Rand stars at Denver stimulus ‘tea party’ protest, Colorado Independent, February 28, 2009.
↑ Denver Tea Party, Colorado, February 24, 2009.
↑ Houston Tea Party Society, In the News, Audio, Video, February 27, 2009.
↑ Houston's Tax Day tea party, February 27, 2009.
↑ DC Tea Party thrown at the White House, The Washington Examiner, February 27, 2009.
↑ 2009 Taxpayer Tea party, February 28, 2009.
↑ Michelle Malkin. Scenes from the D.C. Tea Party, February 27, 2009.
↑ Video from the DC Tea Party, FreedomWorks, February 28, 2009.
↑ Joe the Plumber at D.C. Tea Party: No one on the Hill gives a rip about you, Hot Air, February 27, 2009.
↑ Raleigh Holds 'Tea Party' To Protest Government, Raleigh Telegram, March 25, 2009.
↑ 'Tea Party' Protests In 35 Cities, March 2, 2009.
↑ TCOT Report, The TCOT Report.
↑ Marc Ambinder. Tea Parties, Pajamas, and Media/Event Symbiotics, The Atlantic, February 25, 2009.
↑ “Going Galt” and the next Tea Party wave, Michelle Malkin, March 4, 2009.
↑ Tax Day Becomes Protest Day, Wall Street Journal, April 15, 2009.
↑ Thousands of Anti-Tax 'Tea Party' Protesters Turn Out in U.S. Cities,, April 15, 2009.
↑ Michelle Malkin. Tea Party U.S.A.: The movement grows, February 21, 2009.
↑ "Tea Party" Song Becomes YouTube Hit. Newsblaze, March 23, 2009.
↑ Andrea Shea King. American Tea Party Anthem Singer Lloyd Marcus: "This whole thing is Rush Limbaugh’s fault.", Big Hollywood, April 14, 2009.
↑ Dick Armey to Speak at Atlanta Tea Party,, April 15, 2009.
↑ Rush Limbaugh. Obama Responded to Tea Parties with $100 Million in "Budget Cuts",, April 21, 2009.
↑ 51% View Tea Parties Favorably, Political Class Strongly Disagrees, Rasmussen Reports, April 20, 2009.
↑ PR Newswire. Tea Party Numbers Released: 2 Million, 2 Thousand, Breitbart, April 29, 2010.
↑ Greta Van Susteren. Tea Parties on Tax Day, GretaWire, April 16, 2010.
↑ Gardner D, "A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist'," The London Daily Mail, September 14, 2009. Accessed September 16, 2009.
↑ Tea Party Movement Denounces Media Corruption,, October 19, 2009.
↑ True grass-roots effort? The 'pink slips' campaign,, November 25, 2009
↑ Meet the First Tea Party Activist to Be Elected Into Office, Fox News, February 19, 2010.
↑ Election Day Tea Party 2010,, a project of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition.
↑ Our universities haven't taught much political history for decades. No wonder so many progressives have disdain for the principles that animated the Federalist debates. Why Liberals Don't Get the Tea Party Movement, by Peter Berkowitz, The Wall Street Journal, October 16, 2010.
↑ Heraldric: Or a rattlesnake sable and or coiled as to strike, facing sinister, on a bed of grass vert; motto "Don't Tread On Me"
↑ Gadsden Flag at Tea Party Protests
↑ Seton Motley. NBC, CNN and MSNBC All Assign Communist LaRouche's Obama-Hitler Poster to Conservatives, Limbaugh, NewsBusters, August 12, 2009.
↑ Quinnipiac Poll, Question 50e, March 2010.
↑ Baker B, "ABC, CBS and NBC Try to Discredit 'Tea Party' Protests," NewsBusters, 16 April 2009. Accessed September 16, 2009. Baker does a side-by-side comparison of coverage of the Tax Day Tea Parties and of several pro-immigration rallies held on 1 May 2006.
↑ Tea Party Group Hit With Death Threats Supporters of the Tea Party Movement receive death threats from socialists and liberal extremists, but the MSM looks the other way and refuses mention the story.
↑ Michael Patrick Leahy. In Pep Talk to Democrats Yesterday, Obama Used Crude Term to Slur Conservatives, The TCOT Report, November 8, 2009.
↑ Sources: Joe Biden likened tea partiers to terrorists, Politico, August 01, 2011.
↑ Tea Party Group Calls on Biden to Apologize for 'Terrorists' Remark,, August 02, 2011.
↑ Ryan Rhodes Calls the Program,, August 16, 2011.
↑ Maxine Waters threatens to nationalize U.S. oil industries, YouTube, (Accessed August 22, 2011).
↑ Tea Party Group Slams Rep. Waters Over 'Straight to Hell' Outburst,, August 22, 2011.
↑ Liberal MSM Omitted Maxine Waters Overt Threat to Tea Party, Bluegrass Pundit, August 22, 2011.
↑ Tiffany Gabbay. ‘Tea Party Zombies Must Die’: New Online Game Lets You Gun Down Beck, Bachmann, Palin…, The Blaze, September 6, 2011.
↑ Paul Bedard. Tea Party Group Hit With Death Threats, U.S. News & World Report, August 25, 2010.
↑ see "WSJ/NBC News Poll: Tea Party Tops Democrats and Republicans," Wall Street Journal Dec. 16, 2009
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