Now We Know
Thursday, January 12, 2017
2016 Year of the "Enlightening Election"
When the powerful but corrupt RINO GOP Establishment types like Mit Romney, John McCain, Sen. Gramnasty Graham, Rubio, and others freely attacked Trump - they tipped their hand. Millions are now wise to their machinations, even their Sea Island "Get Trump" mini-vacation which encouraged some "captains of industry" as well as Karl Rove types to "Get TRUMP".
Why did they do this? WHY did they get so openly oppositional to TRUMP? The GOP Establishment THINKS Americans are STUPID with RAPID LOSS OF MEMORY so that they will be forgotten. NOT SO!
It is true that thousands who pay little attention to politics - will FORGET what a buch of sleezy slimeballs guys like John McCain, Mit Romney and Karl Rove are. They are COUNTING ON THIS. MILLIONS MORE OF US will NEVER FORGET how close America came to being Argentina-like. And those pathetic people would have gladly hastened an end to America as ANYBODY knows it.
Their strangle hold on the Republican Party and their very political careers were on the line. For years, they had conspired to put the competetion "under the bus" side-lining guys like Ronald Reagan in 1976 so "their" candidate Gerald Ford, baggage and all - could lose. Sensible people would have told Ford,"Pardon Nixon and we will TRY to get you the nomination." That way,Reagan COULD have opposed Jimmy Carter for an easy victory.
Then a "funny thing happened on the way to the "give it to Hillary Election" - namely the rise of Donald Trump.
To make a long story short - Trump threw out the "playbook" and WON to the chagrin of the "Swampmeisters", TRUMP pledged to get rid of Obamacare, build a wall to fix the border situation and secure LOTS OF JOBS currently going to Mexico and Canada for YEARS.
As of January 12, 2017, Trump has confirmations of cabinet choices who will assert numerous improvements to "turn back slime".
TRUMP succeeded against ALL OPPOSITION. This SPEAKS VOLUMES about his tenacity for REAL change for the good. His work, his OPUS MAGNUS - is DAUNTING. Weaker men have taken a look and joined the GOP and Democrat Establishment or just FLED IN abject TERROR.Weaker men and women have sought to "feather their own nests" and "GRAB the spoils" of a nice government retirement AND slink off to Switzerland or Belize or Costa Rica - to enjoy their ill gotten gains. They are the RATS who would have and already abandoned the sinking ship that America has become. They sought to insulate themselves, like the Clintons, with MILLION$, selling out the land of their birth and all their offspring.
Like Nazis given a second chance - some have seen the light and have joined TRUMP - while others are "wolves in sheeps' disguises" who seek to get behind TRUMP - and dirk him in the back!
Trump is well aware that he ernestly NEEDS THEM and he seeks to CONVERT THEM with success after success so that they will put away their "long knives" and cease attempting to "do Trump in" one more time.
Fortunately, like Ronald Reagan - TRUMP is impervious to PHONY SCANDALS and VITRIOLIC LIES especially when repiated bt BuzzFeed, CNN, ABC and others. Fox bypassed this "salitious scandal" months ago seeing that there was NOTHING but FICTION and NO PROOF whatsoever to the UNFAIR FICTIONAL narrative.
When the powerful but corrupt RINO GOP Establishment types like Mit Romney, John McCain, Sen. Gramnasty Graham, Rubio, and others freely attacked Trump - they tipped their hand. Millions are now wise to their machinations, even their Sea Island "Get Trump" mini-vacation which encouraged some "captains of industry" as well as Karl Rove types to "Get TRUMP".
Why did they do this? WHY did they get so openly oppositional to TRUMP? The GOP Establishment THINKS Americans are STUPID with RAPID LOSS OF MEMORY so that they will be forgotten. NOT SO!
It is true that thousands who pay little attention to politics - will FORGET what a buch of sleezy slimeballs guys like John McCain, Mit Romney and Karl Rove are. They are COUNTING ON THIS. MILLIONS MORE OF US will NEVER FORGET how close America came to being Argentina-like. And those pathetic people would have gladly hastened an end to America as ANYBODY knows it.
Their strangle hold on the Republican Party and their very political careers were on the line. For years, they had conspired to put the competetion "under the bus" side-lining guys like Ronald Reagan in 1976 so "their" candidate Gerald Ford, baggage and all - could lose. Sensible people would have told Ford,"Pardon Nixon and we will TRY to get you the nomination." That way,Reagan COULD have opposed Jimmy Carter for an easy victory.
Then a "funny thing happened on the way to the "give it to Hillary Election" - namely the rise of Donald Trump.
To make a long story short - Trump threw out the "playbook" and WON to the chagrin of the "Swampmeisters", TRUMP pledged to get rid of Obamacare, build a wall to fix the border situation and secure LOTS OF JOBS currently going to Mexico and Canada for YEARS.
As of January 12, 2017, Trump has confirmations of cabinet choices who will assert numerous improvements to "turn back slime".
TRUMP succeeded against ALL OPPOSITION. This SPEAKS VOLUMES about his tenacity for REAL change for the good. His work, his OPUS MAGNUS - is DAUNTING. Weaker men have taken a look and joined the GOP and Democrat Establishment! Weaker men and women have sought to "feather their own nests" and "GRAB the spoils" of a nice government retirement AND slink off to Switzerland or Belize or Costa Rica - to enjoy their ill gotten gains. They are the RATS who would have and already abandoned the sinking ship that America has become. They sought to insulate themselves, like the Clintons, with MILLION$, selling out the land of their birth and all their offspring.
Like Nazis given a second chance - some have seen the light and have joined TRUMP - while others are "wolves in sheeps' disguises" who seek to get behind TRUMP - and dirk him in the back!
Trump is well aware that he ernestly NEEDS THEM and he seeks to CONVERT THEM with success after success so that they will put away their "long knives" and cease attempting to "do Trump in" one more time.
Fortunately, like Ronald Reagan - TRUMP is impervious to PHONY SCANDALS and VITRIOLIC LIES especially when repiated bt BuzzFeed, CNN, ABC and others. Fox bypassed this "salitious scandal" months ago seeing that there was NOTHING but FICTION and NO PROOF whatsoever to the UNFAIR FICTIONAL narrative.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
MURDER MYSTERY? Who Was Killing The Scientists in the 1980s?
Between 1982 and 1990, a cluster of strange and often grisly deaths amongst scientists and computer experts working in Britain’s high-tech defence industry baffled investigators.
GEC which was the General Electric Company of the UK is not to be confused with the U.S. company General Electric. GEC was an arms company based in the UK that was renamed Marconi Corporation plc in 1999 after its defense arm was sold to British Aerospace. In 2005-6 Ericsson purchased the bulk of Marconi and the remaining businesses were renamed Telent plc.
Over two dozen scientists, science graduates and experts working for Marconi or Plessey Defence Systems died under mysterious circumstances in the 1980's. Most of these arreared to be suicides, albeit, very strange suicides linked to coincidences. The Ministery of Defence (MOD) denied these scientists had been involved in classified Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) i.e. "Star Wars Projects" and that the deaths were in any way, shape or fashion -connected.
Many of the deaths were so odd that coroners were unable to determine the cause. Americans exposed to a lot of CSI can assume that clues were missed and crime solutions were botched. But in the real world, one lacks the lab, the skills, or the time - to doggedly and persistently persue a case to "catch the crook". Thus unlike "House", most cases just get called accidents, misadventures, or even an erotic misadventure. People who do not understand what coroners are "up against" may wrongly think that the coroner's brain got "misadventured". Other cases were judged to be suicides and accidents despite clear evidence and the unlikeliness of happenstance, perhaps as a coroner CYA. After all, if someone has this much "misadventure and accident power" it would be unwise to "cross" them!
Most of the victims were computer scientists working for Marconi Electronic Systems and related companies on top-secret defence projects, including the aforementioned U.S. Strategic Defence Initiative.
Tony Collins, a UK’s Computer Weekly correspondent, began to compile reports of deaths amongst computer scientists and engineers in the mid-80s. Over the next few years he would file a series of stories on the deaths, eventually over twenty cases that to Collins appeared to be connected.
In 1990 Tony Collins authored a book, "Open Verdict", which concluded the obvious - that the deaths were "fishy". Collins suspected some sort of plot but nothing provable.
Was it all a plot to murder the scientists and cripple military and scientific progress? Could the Soviets have gotten wind that the SDI would make their rockets useless? Knowing they could not de-rail 3500 employees, perhaps some mayhem would stress many more into real suicide or just quitting?
The suspicious multiple death story began in March 1982 with
Professor Keith Bowden, 45, computer scientist, Essex University. He allegedly died wgen his Land Rover crossed a four-lane highway and crashed off a bridge, down an embankment, landing in an abandoned rail yard. Praised as an expert scientist on super computers and computer-controlled aircraft working at Essex University contracting for Marconi Electronic Systems.
Police judged that he had been speeding and drinking but family and friends all denied the allegation.
Mrs. Bowden explained, "Somebody had taken the wheels off and put others on that were old and worn. At the inquest mention of this was disallowed. Someone asked if the car was in a sound condition, and the answer was yes."
The widow Mrs. Bowden, stunned and shocked at her husband's demise, never protested the published verdict. Still, due to knowledge that the Land Rover was supposed to have nearly new tires, she remains convinced that someone tampered with her husband's car. "It certainly looked like foul play."
Considerably detailed source:
Lt-Colonel Anthony Godley, 49
who headed the Work Study Unit at the Royal Military College of Science disappeared without trace or explanation in April of 1983, presumed dead. Godley's father bequeathed him over$60,000, with the proviso that he claim it before 1987.
Roger Hill, 49, radar designer and draftsman, for Marconi allegedly suicided himself with a shotgun at the family home in March of 1985.
Jonathan Walsh, 29, was a digital-communications expert with British Telecom's secret Martlesham Health research facility and to GEC, Marconi's parent company. In November 1985 Walsh allegedly fell from his hotel room while working on a British Telecom project in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Africa). Walsh had feared for his life.
An unusually bizarre case is that of Peter Peapell, 46, found dead February 22, of carbon monoxide poisoning in his garage. Peapell had a high-security job at the Royal Military College of Science testing titanium's resistance to explosives and the use of computer analysis of signals from metals.
Peapell's wife, Maureen, stated that she last saw her husband alive about 3 a.m. one morning in February 1987 after an evening out. Maureen went to bed while her husband parked the car.
She awoke six hours later and found Peapell dead under the car, engine running and garage doors closed. Carbon deposits on the garage door showed the engine had been running only a short time. The police doubt the possibility that Peapell could have positioned himself under the car as he was discovered.
Police stated that Peapell's head was protruding from underneath the car face-up, with his mouth virtually aligned with the end of the exhaust pipe. Had he been strangled, his hyoid bone would have been broken, but getting murdered a plastic bag would have caused asphixiation, and since the presence of carbon monoxide seemed to be slight some blood analysis MIGHT have ruled out carbon monoxide poisoning altogether. Was the car's engine only moderately warm or was it hot? A time of death MIGHT have indicated six hours PAST with the engine started REMOTELY only a few minutes prior to discovery of the corpse.
Whether Peapell was acquainted with John Brittan, Royal College of Military Science at Shrivenham, Oxfordshire, and later deployed in a research department at the not known but Brittan also was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in his garage. Brittan and Peapell died shortly after returning from business trips to the United States. The Defense Ministry stated that Peapell was working on a non-classified study of Soviet advances in beryllium metallurgy; beryllium is widely used in atomic reactors.
Some crime scene analysys MIGHT have applied equally to BOTH crime scenes...were BOTH cars capable of remote starting...if so...hellova coincidence, especially for 1987.
On March 30, 1987, David Sands, 37, a senior scientist working on computer-controlled radar at a Marconi sister company, Easams of Camberley, Surrey. Dr. John Brittan had also worked at Camberley. David Sands allegedly made a sudden U-turn in his car on a dual highway and crashed at high speed into an empty cafe or cafeteria in Basingstoke, 50 miles west of London. Sands reportedly had gasoline cans in his car which contributed to a fireball requiring his identification from dental records.
Sands had worked for quite some time on a large project for the British Army, having managed it through years of studies and bids. EASAMS had just practically won this £100 million contract, primarily because of David Sands and his team's efforts. Co-workers got the basic facts, on the "grapevine" near the coffee machines, where engineers had discussions.
A young scientific officer at the college died in a mysterious car crash in Cyprus in April 1987.
On August 4, 1986, Vimal Dajibhai, 24, died from a 74m (240ft.) fall into the gorge below Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol. The trip in obedience to gravity might have been fun but that sudden stop - was fatal. Dajibhai had been a
computer software engineer with Marconi, responsible for testing computer control systems of Tigerfish and Stingray torpedoes at Marconi Underwater Systems at Croxley Green, Hertfordshire.
Although the police report on condition of the body mentioned a needle-sized puncture wound on the left buttock, but this was later dismissed as being due to the fall. Dajibhai had been looking forward to his new job in the City of London and friends had confirmed that there was no reason for him to commit suicide. At the time of his death he was in the last week of his work with Marconi. In light of facts getting in the way of a quick, snap judgement - open.
Another scientist involved in signal processing disappeared four days before John Brittan died, but was traced four months later by a British newspaper to a boutique in a Paris red-light district. Did a threat on his life, a sizable quantity of CASH and an airplane ticket for Paris -- cause this scientist to DISAPPEAR HIMSELF?
Or did he just decide on a quick vacation due to all this "suicide under strange circumstances".
On January 8, 1987, Avtar Singh-Gida disappeared while finishing his doctoral thesis on underwater signal processing at Loughborough University. Rumour has it that when located, he had refused to talk about his disappearance or the death of an acquaintance, Vimal Dajibhai, a computer programmer at Marconi Defense Systems, an electronics firm.
Singh-Gida was last seen testing acoustic equipment at a reservoir near Loughborough. Singh-Gida vanished only two days before his wedding anniversary and had already bought his wife a gift. He was supposedly found in Paris without knowing how he got there.
Perhaps Avtar Singh-Gida's silence is due to "wisdom" since Vimal Dajibhai fell to his death from a bridge in August 1986 and Avtar is certain that he,too, is mortal.
In October of 1986, Arshad Sharif, 26, died as a result of placing a rope around his neck, tying the other end to a tree and then driving off in his car with the accelerator pedal jammed down, perhaps by a brick. His unusual death was complicated by several annoying factual issues. Sharif lived near Vimal Dajibhai in Stanmore, Middlesex, committed suicide in Bristol and, inexplicably, had spent the last night of his life on Earth in a rooming house. Sharif had paid for his rooming house rental in cash and was seen by witnesses to have a quantity of high-denomination banknotes in his possession. Although the police were informed about the currency, no mention was made of it at the inquest and the money was never found. Additionally, most of the other guests at the rooming house worked at British Aerospace prior to working for Marconi, Sharif had also worked at British Aerospace on guided weapons technology. Sharif was reported to have been working on defence systems for the detection of submarines by satellite, perhaps with advanced signal processing. The coroner's verdict was suicide since a tape recording found in his car satisfied coroner Donald Hawkins that it was a suicide, but the burning question was, ''Why Bristol?''
In January 12, 1987, Richard Pugh, 37
a MOD computer consultant and digital communications expert, was found dead in his apartment with his feet bound and a plastic bag over his head. Rope was tied around his body, coiling four times around his neck. The
coroner's verdict was death due to accident.
In February 1986, David Skeels, 43, engineer with Marconi, was found dead in his car with a hose connected to the car's exhaust. The coroner's verdict in this case: open.
In February of 1987, Victor Moore, 46, a
design Engineer with Marconi Space and Defence Systems, died from an overdose that was ruled a suicide.
George Kountis, a Systems Analyst at Bristol Polytechnic.
He drowned the same day as Shani Warren, April 10, 1987 as the result of a car accident, with his upturned car found in the River Mersey, Liverpool.
Since the coroner's verdict was "Misadventure", did George Kountis think his car was also a boat?
In light of the "magical, mysterious drowning of Shani Warren, Kountis sister called for a fresh inquest as she thought 'things didn't add up.'
Shani Warren, 26, died on April 10, 1987.
She was a personal assistant for Micro Scope a company which was taken over by GEC Marconi less than four weeks after her death.
Shani Warren was found to have drowned in 45cm. (18in) of water, not far from the site of David Greenhalgh's death fall. Warren died exactly one week after the death of Stuart Gooding and serious injury to Greenhalgh. She was found gagged with a noose around her neck. Her feet were also bound and her hands tied behind her back.
The coroner had opted for an open verdict since
for suicide Warren would have had to have gagged herself, tied her feet with rope, then tied her hands behind her back and hobbled to the lake on stiletto heels to drown herself in 18 inches of water.
On April 24, 1987, Mark Wisner, 24, software engineer at the Ministry of Defence (MOD).
Wisner was found dead in a house shared with two colleagues, with a plastic bag over his head and several feet of cling film around his head and face. The method of death was almost identical to that of Richard Pugh about three months earlier. It was ruled by the coroner as an accident?
On May 3, 1987, Michael Baker, 22, a digital communications expert working on a defence project at Plessey and part-time member of Signals Corps Side Angle Side (SAS). He died when his car crashed through a barrier near Poole in Dorset. It appeared to be a "Misadventure."
In June 1987, Frank Jennings, 60, Electronic Weapons Engineer with Plessey, was found dead from a presumed heart attack. Appearing to be "natural causes...there was no inquest.
In January 1988, Russell Smith, 23, laboratory technician with the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell, Essex, was a presumed suicide at Boscastle in Cornwall from falling off a cliff. Ouch!
On March 25, 1988: Trevor Knight, 52, computer engineer with Marconi Space and Defence Systems in Stanmore, Middlesex.
found dead at his home in Harpenden, Hertfordshire at the wheel of his car with a hosepipe connected to the exhaust. A St.Alban's coroner ruled it a suicide even though Miss Narmada Thanki, Knight's lady friend, co-worker with him at Marconi, had only found three suicide notes left by him that seemed to clarify his intentions. Miss Thanki mentioned that Trevor Knight disliked his work but she did not note any depression that would have driven him to suicide.
In August 1988, Alistair Beckham, 50, software engineer with Plessey Defence Systems, was
found deceased after being electrocuted in his garden shed with wires connected to his body.
The coroner ruled the case,"Open" since the wife claimed Beckham never went to the shed and the electrocution was rather unusual.
On August 22, 1988, Peter Ferry, 60, retired Army Brigadier General/Assistant Marketing Director with Marconi, was found on the 22nd or 23rd of August,1988 electrocuted in his company flat with electrical leads in his mouth.
The coroner's verdict was,"Open", as circumstances were very unusual for a death.
In September 1988, Andrew Hall, 33, engineering Manager with British Aerospace, found dead in a car with a hose connected to the exhaust.
The coroner's verdict was,"Suicide".
Bowden’s solicitor hired an accident investigator to examine the wreck. Somebody had swapped the normally pristine tires on Bowden’s Rover with a set that were worn and old.
3 years later, radar designer Roger Hill killed himself with a shotgun at his home. Later that year Jonathan Wash died after plunging from a hotel window. The coroner returned an Open Verdict.
More puzzling still was the death of Vimal Dajibhai, 24, who jumped off the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol in August 1986. Dajibhai had been working at Marconi on computer control systems for Stingray torpedoes. Dajibhai was found with his pants around his ankles and a needle-sized puncture wound on his left buttock. The Bristol coroner noted and was concerned by this stating, “it was a mystery then and remains a mystery now.” Thus the coroner ruled it an "open" case.
Left to right —Vimal Dajibhai, Arshad Sharif, Keith Bowden, Alistair Beckham, John Ferry and John Whiteman
Perhaps the very most disturbing death of all occurred 2 months later. Arshad Sharif, 26, another computer scientist who worked on satellite guidance systems at Marconi.
Sharif also traveled to Bristol, tied one end of a rope around his neck, the other end to a tree, then jammed his foot on the accelerator of his car and decapitated himself.
The day before his death, Sharif had been acting oddly and was seen paying for accommodation in a rooming house with a bundle of high denomination bank notes.
A relative summoned to identify the body noticed something suspicious about his car. What appeared to be a metal rod was lying on the floor of the car next to the accelerator. Had it been used to wedge down the pedal?
The coroner wasn’t happy. “This is past coincidence…I will not be completing this inquest until I know how two men with no connection to Bristol came to meet the same end here”.
Some of the men worked on computer guidance systems for missiles
He never did find out why, but both men were suspected to be working on a top secret project called Cosmos, which involved underwater guidance systems, establishing a further connection between the pair.
The Marconi spokesman said 35,000 people worked in the UKs defence industry in the mid-80s, and these deaths over a 3 years time span, could easily be called coincidences. In fact, nobody at the time the deaths had occurred recognized any connection.
Then by 1987 and 1988, the pace of deaths had markedly increased, so that the UK press and some MPs began to connect the dots.
1987 started with the death of Richard Pugh. Another computer expert in the defence industry and consultant to the MOD, Pugh’s body was found in his apartment, his feet tied, a plastic bag on his head and a thick rope coiled around his body. The coroner’s verdict was "accident due to sexual misadventure".
Then a few days later, another scientist doing top secret work for the MOD , Dr. John Brittan, died in his own garage of carbon monoxide poisoning.
The next month, another Marconi engineer, David Skeels, also died of carbon monoxide poisoning, found in his car with a hose connected to the exhaust.
Also in February, two more defence engineers and scientists died — Victor Moore from an overdose, and Peter Peapell, still another car-generated carbon monoxide poisoning victim.
Peter Peapell’s death was especially concerning. After spending an evening with friends, he and his wife returned home and Peapell went to put away the car.
The next morning his wife found his body jammed underneath the car with his mouth next to the exhaust pipe. Police were unconvinced it was suicide because it seemed impossible and very unlikely that he could have gotten his body into the odd position it was discovered. The coroner called it,"open" verdict.
John Whiteman supposedly over-dosed on pills and drowned himself in his own bathtub, the body surrounded by pills and empty alcohol bottles. Uncannily the autopsy revealed no trace of drugs or alcohol in his body.
In April, in almost the same as Richard Pugh in January of 1987, Mark Wisner, 24, was found dead with a plastic bag on his head and plastic sandwich wrap around his face. The verdict was death by sexual misadventure.
The previous year Marconi purchased defence electronics firm Plessey. Within a month between May and June 1987 two of its scientists were dead — Michael Baker, 22 in May and Frank Jennings, 60, in June.
At the start of 1988, lab technician Russel Smith, 23, jumped off a cliff in Cornwall. A senior computer engineer at Marconi — Trevor Knight, was the victim of yet another suicide by car exhaust pipe.
Marconi purchased high-tech firm Plessey in 1987. Within a year, two of its scientists were dead
In August, there were two gruesome electrocutions of senior figures at Marconi that are some of the most suspicious of all the deaths.
Alistair Beckham, 50, was a computer engineer who it’s believed was working on top secret pilot programs for America’s Strategic Defence Initiative.
After some light Sunday afternoon gardening, Beckham retired to his shed, attached wires to his chest, pushed them into a power socket and, with a handkerchief jammed in his mouth, hit the power.
Beckham’s wife was entirely unconvinced her husband committed suicide. Beckham was highly secretive about his work and just hours after his death men from the Ministry of Defence arrived at the scene and took away several documents and files from Beckham’s home.
In similar but even more gruesome fashion, Marconi director John Ferry, 60, jammed stripped wires into his own tooth fillings and electrocuted himself.
Could all of these grisly suicides really just be a coincidence? By now several stories in the press had appeared questioning whether there was actually some kind of KGB or Eastern bloc conspiracy to kill the scientists.
Several MPs and trade union leader Clive Jenkins called for an inquiry into the deaths. Jenkin’s wrote that the deaths were — “statistically incredible” and spoke of the concern amongst his members over “these clusters of suicides, violent deaths, or murders.”
The conservative government of Margaret Thatcher dismissed calls for an inquiry, claiming the deaths were not statistically unusual and were just ‘coincidences’, perhaps exacerbated by high levels of stress in the defence industry.
Professor Colin Pritchard, a noted expert in mental illness and suicides, thinks at least some of the deaths were statistically uncommon.
Whilst its true suicide is one of the most prevalent causes of early death in men, especially young men, Pritchard believes factors in some of the cases make the suicide verdicts unlikely.
Pritchard cites the cases of at least 4 of the men that share unusual elements. All 4 men had complained to friends and family that they had been tasked ‘strange’, ‘impossible’ and ‘unscientific’ tasks by their employers.
All 4 men committed suicide in incredibly violent and bizarre ways. Pritchard has studied numerous suicide cases and thinks such extreme suicide methods are normally only associated with people suffering severe mental breakdowns, to the extent they would be unable to even hold down jobs.
Yet the men were all employed up until the day of their deaths and none had shown any sign of mental illness or other disturbance.
All of the men had also recently found new jobs and were preparing to leave within days of their deaths. Likewise, all 4 men had recently arranged appointments with their MPs.
What were the strange ‘unscientific’ projects that the men were complaining of, and why had they all booked appointments with their MPs? Had they stumbled on something in their jobs that had worried them — something that led to them been silenced?
Several of the deaths were put down to sex games that had gone wrong. But intelligence expert Conrad Black says death by sexual misadventure is a common method of disguising murder in the world of espionage.
There were American actors who seemingly committed suicide by sexual misadventure.
Black told the Daily Record — “Disposing of an enemy and making it look like a perverted fantasy gone wrong is in the training manuals of every spy agency from MI6 to Mossad.
The sex game cover is a very useful mechanism in a murder. Not only does it provide a disguise for the actual means and method of death, it trashes the reputation of the victim and dissipates the energy of any subsequent investigation.”
The Marconi deaths weren’t the only unexplained, violent or unusual deaths amongst defence workers in Europe in the 1980s.
In West Germany in 1986 there were several incidents involving individuals associated with America’s SDI — the Strategic Defence Initiative dubbed ‘Star Wars’ by the press.
The Strategic Defence Initiative was an ambitious programme to create a space based anti-nuclear weapon shield which would have rendered Soviet nuclear capability useless.
In July 9,1986, Karl-Heinz Beckurts, a German physicist and member of the Executive Board and Head of Corporate Research and Technology of Siemens AG and an SDI contractor was killed by a car bomb or an electronically exploded roadside bomb in Straßlach, a district of Munich. His chauffeur Eckhard Groppler was also killed. Although
The Red Army Faction (German:Rote Armee Fraktion) or (RAF) calling itself, "Kommando Mara Cagol" claimed responsibility for the murders but the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt) investigation found only one suspect: Horst Ludwig Meyer. When Meyer died from Vienna police gunfire in 1999, their lead died with him.
Gerrold von Braunmühl, a senior advisor in SDI negotiations and Nato diplomat was shot twice in the head at point blank range while getting out of a taxi in Bonn in October 1986. Other attacks on SDI-related firms convince German prosecutors that they were targeted.
Similar deaths and disappearances amongst defence figures in Sweden and Italy occurred at the same time, giving rise to the suspicion that there was an Eastern Bloc plot to attack Western defence capability and the SDI.
Attempting to undermine an enemy’s defence capabilities by murdering their scientists is not uncommon. The US, UK and Israel have all been known to strategically stage accidents to remove high-ranking enemy scientists for political ends.
In recent years at least 4 top Iranian nuclear scientist have been killed by Israel’s Mossad in an attempt to derail Iran’s nuclear programme.
Killing targets in a foreign country is also not uncommon. In 1978, dissident Georgi Markov was murdered on Waterloo Bridge in London by agents of the Bulgarian secret police aided by the KGB.
Many of the Marconi scientists were involved either directly or peripherally in the Star Wars programme and other related projects.
Could their strange deaths actually have been a series of Russian or East German orchestrated murders designed to scuttle the SDI?
The British government, Marconi and many in the press blamed stress in the high-pressure defence industry for the cluster of suicides.
Stress has often been cited as a problem in the secret defence industry and may have been a contributing factor to the cluster of suicides. The deliberate nature and grisliness suggests stress inducement/threats/bribes/ and other strssors coupled with kidnapping and mayhem.
Suicide is the most common form of death in men aged 20–49 — the age bracket into which almost all the Marconi scientists fell into.
It would therefore not be unexpected to find a fair number of suicides in a male dominated occupation, especially one that operates under such tight secrecy.
Some of the widows commented on how their husbands were unable to talk about their secret work. If they were having trouble with the jobs, the fact they may have been unable to discuss the situation with their loved ones may have been another contributory factor.
During those pre-1980s "cold war" days, it would have been vicious but entirely logical for the Russians to have been "bumping off" senior defence industry managers and engineers. How else could they counter the enormous technical ability and economic power of western defence industry driven by billions from the capitalism they loathed? It also would have made sense for the U.K. Government to "keep things quiet", since, if people had known what was transpiring, many, many people would have changed careers, deciding that "it was just not worth the risk"? How much more would the Russians have achieved in disruptive terrorism, if they had leaked the right information to the Press? Maybe they did?
MURDER MYSTERY? Who Was Killing The Scientists in the 1980s?
Between 1982 and 1990, a cluster of strange and often grisly deaths amongst scientists and computer experts working in Britain’s high-tech defence industry baffled investigators.
GEC which was the General Electric Company of the UK is not to be confused with the U.S. company General Electric. GEC was an arms company based in the UK that was renamed Marconi Corporation plc in 1999 after its defense arm was sold to British Aerospace. In 2005-6 Ericsson purchased the bulk of Marconi and the remaining businesses were renamed Telent plc.
Over two dozen scientists, science graduates and experts working for Marconi or Plessey Defence Systems died under mysterious circumstances in the 1980's. Most of these arreared to be suicides, albeit, very strange suicides linked to coincidences. The Ministery of Defence (MOD) denied these scientists had been involved in classified Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) i.e. "Star Wars Projects" and that the deaths were in any way, shape or fashion -connected.
Many of the deaths were so odd that coroners were unable to determine the cause. Americans exposed to a lot of CSI can assume that clues were missed and crime solutions were botched. But in the real world, one lacks the lab, the skills, or the time - to doggedly and persistently persue a case to "catch the crook". Thus unlike "House", most cases just get called accidents, misadventures, or even an erotic misadventure. People who do not understand what coroners are "up against" may wrongly think that the coroner's brain got "misadventured". Other cases were judged to be suicides and accidents despite clear evidence and the unlikeliness of happenstance, perhaps as a coroner CYA. After all, if someone has this much "misadventure and accident power" it would be unwise to "cross" them!
Most of the victims were computer scientists working for Marconi Electronic Systems and related companies on top-secret defence projects, including the aforementioned U.S. Strategic Defence Initiative.
Tony Collins, a UK’s Computer Weekly correspondent, began to compile reports of deaths amongst computer scientists and engineers in the mid-80s. Over the next few years he would file a series of stories on the deaths, eventually over twenty cases that to Collins appeared to be connected.
In 1990 Tony Collins authored a book, "Open Verdict", which concluded the obvious - that the deaths were "fishy". Collins suspected some sort of plot but nothing provable.
Was it all a plot to murder the scientists and cripple military and scientific progress? Could the Soviets have gotten wind that the SDI would make their rockets useless? Knowing they could not de-rail 3500 employees, perhaps some mayhem would stress many more into real suicide or just quitting?
The suspicious multiple death story began in March 1982 with
Professor Keith Bowden, 45, computer scientist, Essex University. He allegedly died wgen his Land Rover crossed a four-lane highway and crashed off a bridge, down an embankment, landing in an abandoned rail yard. Praised as an expert scientist on super computers and computer-controlled aircraft working at Essex University contracting for Marconi Electronic Systems.
Police judged that he had been speeding and drinking but family and friends all denied the allegation.
Mrs. Bowden explained, "Somebody had taken the wheels off and put others on that were old and worn. At the inquest mention of this was disallowed. Someone asked if the car was in a sound condition, and the answer was yes."
The widow Mrs. Bowden, stunned and shocked at her husband's demise, never protested the published verdict. Still, due to knowledge that the Land Rover was supposed to have nearly new tires, she remains convinced that someone tampered with her husband's car. "It certainly looked like foul play."
Considerably detailed source:
Lt-Colonel Anthony Godley, 49
who headed the Work Study Unit at the Royal Military College of Science disappeared without trace or explanation in April of 1983, presumed dead. Godley's father bequeathed him over$60,000, with the proviso that he claim it before 1987.
Roger Hill, 49, radar designer and draftsman, for Marconi allegedly suicided himself with a shotgun at the family home in March of 1985.
Jonathan Walsh, 29, was a digital-communications expert with British Telecom's secret Martlesham Health research facility and to GEC, Marconi's parent company. In November 1985 Walsh allegedly fell from his hotel room while working on a British Telecom project in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Africa). Walsh had feared for his life.
An unusually bizarre case is that of Peter Peapell, 46, found dead February 22, of carbon monoxide poisoning in his garage. Peapell had a high-security job at the Royal Military College of Science testing titanium's resistance to explosives and the use of computer analysis of signals from metals.
Peapell's wife, Maureen, stated that she last saw her husband alive about 3 a.m. one morning in February 1987 after an evening out. Maureen went to bed while her husband parked the car.
She awoke six hours later and found Peapell dead under the car, engine running and garage doors closed. Carbon deposits on the garage door showed the engine had been running only a short time. The police doubt the possibility that Peapell could have positioned himself under the car as he was discovered.
Police stated that Peapell's head was protruding from underneath the car face-up, with his mouth virtually aligned with the end of the exhaust pipe. Had he been strangled, his hyoid bone would have been broken, but getting murdered a plastic bag would have caused asphixiation, and since the presence of carbon monoxide seemed to be slight some blood analysis MIGHT have ruled out carbon monoxide poisoning altogether. Was the car's engine only moderately warm or was it hot? A time of death MIGHT have indicated six hours PAST with the engine started REMOTELY only a few minutes prior to discovery of the corpse.
Whether Peapell was acquainted with John Brittan, Royal College of Military Science at Shrivenham, Oxfordshire, and later deployed in a research department at the not known but Brittan also was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in his garage. Brittan and Peapell died shortly after returning from business trips to the United States. The Defense Ministry stated that Peapell was working on a non-classified study of Soviet advances in beryllium metallurgy; beryllium is widely used in atomic reactors.
Some crime scene analysys MIGHT have applied equally to BOTH crime scenes...were BOTH cars capable of remote starting...if so...hellova coincidence, especially for 1987.
On March 30, 1987, David Sands, 37, a senior scientist working on computer-controlled radar at a Marconi sister company, Easams of Camberley, Surrey. Dr. John Brittan had also worked at Camberley. David Sands allegedly made a sudden U-turn in his car on a dual highway and crashed at high speed into an empty cafe or cafeteria in Basingstoke, 50 miles west of London. Sands reportedly had gasoline cans in his car which contributed to a fireball requiring his identification from dental records.
Sands had worked for quite some time on a large project for the British Army, having managed it through years of studies and bids. EASAMS had just practically won this £100 million contract, primarily because of David Sands and his team's efforts. Co-workers got the basic facts, on the "grapevine" near the coffee machines, where engineers had discussions.
A young scientific officer at the college died in a mysterious car crash in Cyprus in April 1987.
On August 4, 1986, Vimal Dajibhai, 24, died from a 74m (240ft.) fall into the gorge below Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol. The trip in obedience to gravity might have been fun but that sudden stop - was fatal. Dajibhai had been a
computer software engineer with Marconi, responsible for testing computer control systems of Tigerfish and Stingray torpedoes at Marconi Underwater Systems at Croxley Green, Hertfordshire.
Although the police report on condition of the body mentioned a needle-sized puncture wound on the left buttock, but this was later dismissed as being due to the fall. Dajibhai had been looking forward to his new job in the City of London and friends had confirmed that there was no reason for him to commit suicide. At the time of his death he was in the last week of his work with Marconi. In light of facts getting in the way of a quick, snap judgement - open.
Another scientist involved in signal processing disappeared four days before John Brittan died, but was traced four months later by a British newspaper to a boutique in a Paris red-light district. Did a threat on his life, a sizable quantity of CASH and an airplane ticket for Paris -- cause this scientist to DISAPPEAR HIMSELF?
Or did he just decide on a quick vacation due to all this "suicide under strange circumstances".
On January 8, 1987, Avtar Singh-Gida disappeared while finishing his doctoral thesis on underwater signal processing at Loughborough University. Rumour has it that when located, he had refused to talk about his disappearance or the death of an acquaintance, Vimal Dajibhai, a computer programmer at Marconi Defense Systems, an electronics firm.
Singh-Gida was last seen testing acoustic equipment at a reservoir near Loughborough. Singh-Gida vanished only two days before his wedding anniversary and had already bought his wife a gift. He was supposedly found in Paris without knowing how he got there.
Perhaps Avtar Singh-Gida's silence is due to "wisdom" since Vimal Dajibhai fell to his death from a bridge in August 1986 and Avtar is certain that he,too, is mortal.
In October of 1986, Arshad Sharif, 26, died as a result of placing a rope around his neck, tying the other end to a tree and then driving off in his car with the accelerator pedal jammed down, perhaps by a brick. His unusual death was complicated by several annoying factual issues. Sharif lived near Vimal Dajibhai in Stanmore, Middlesex, committed suicide in Bristol and, inexplicably, had spent the last night of his life on Earth in a rooming house. Sharif had paid for his rooming house rental in cash and was seen by witnesses to have a quantity of high-denomination banknotes in his possession. Although the police were informed about the currency, no mention was made of it at the inquest and the money was never found. Additionally, most of the other guests at the rooming house worked at British Aerospace prior to working for Marconi, Sharif had also worked at British Aerospace on guided weapons technology. Sharif was reported to have been working on defence systems for the detection of submarines by satellite, perhaps with advanced signal processing. The coroner's verdict was suicide since a tape recording found in his car satisfied coroner Donald Hawkins that it was a suicide, but the burning question was, ''Why Bristol?''
In January 12, 1987, Richard Pugh, 37
a MOD computer consultant and digital communications expert, was found dead in his apartment with his feet bound and a plastic bag over his head. Rope was tied around his body, coiling four times around his neck. The
coroner's verdict was death due to accident.
In February 1986, David Skeels, 43, engineer with Marconi, was found dead in his car with a hose connected to the car's exhaust. The coroner's verdict in this case: open.
In February of 1987, Victor Moore, 46, a
design Engineer with Marconi Space and Defence Systems, died from an overdose that was ruled a suicide.
George Kountis, a Systems Analyst at Bristol Polytechnic.
He drowned the same day as Shani Warren, April 10, 1987 as the result of a car accident, with his upturned car found in the River Mersey, Liverpool.
Since the coroner's verdict was "Misadventure", did George Kountis think his car was also a boat?
In light of the "magical, mysterious drowning of Shani Warren, Kountis sister called for a fresh inquest as she thought 'things didn't add up.'
Shani Warren, 26, died on April 10, 1987.
She was a personal assistant for Micro Scope a company which was taken over by GEC Marconi less than four weeks after her death.
Shani Warren was found to have drowned in 45cm. (18in) of water, not far from the site of David Greenhalgh's death fall. Warren died exactly one week after the death of Stuart Gooding and serious injury to Greenhalgh. She was found gagged with a noose around her neck. Her feet were also bound and her hands tied behind her back.
The coroner had opted for an open verdict since
for suicide Warren would have had to have gagged herself, tied her feet with rope, then tied her hands behind her back and hobbled to the lake on stiletto heels to drown herself in 18 inches of water.
On April 24, 1987, Mark Wisner, 24, software engineer at the Ministry of Defence (MOD).
Wisner was found dead in a house shared with two colleagues, with a plastic bag over his head and several feet of cling film around his head and face. The method of death was almost identical to that of Richard Pugh about three months earlier. It was ruled by the coroner as an accident?
On May 3, 1987, Michael Baker, 22, a digital communications expert working on a defence project at Plessey and part-time member of Signals Corps Side Angle Side (SAS). He died when his car crashed through a barrier near Poole in Dorset. It appeared to be a "Misadventure."
In June 1987, Frank Jennings, 60, Electronic Weapons Engineer with Plessey, was found dead from a presumed heart attack. Appearing to be "natural causes...there was no inquest.
In January 1988, Russell Smith, 23, laboratory technician with the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell, Essex, was a presumed suicide at Boscastle in Cornwall from falling off a cliff. Ouch!
On March 25, 1988: Trevor Knight, 52, computer engineer with Marconi Space and Defence Systems in Stanmore, Middlesex.
found dead at his home in Harpenden, Hertfordshire at the wheel of his car with a hosepipe connected to the exhaust. A St.Alban's coroner ruled it a suicide even though Miss Narmada Thanki, Knight's lady friend, co-worker with him at Marconi, had only found three suicide notes left by him that seemed to clarify his intentions. Miss Thanki mentioned that Trevor Knight disliked his work but she did not note any depression that would have driven him to suicide.
In August 1988, Alistair Beckham, 50, software engineer with Plessey Defence Systems, was
found deceased after being electrocuted in his garden shed with wires connected to his body.
The coroner ruled the case,"Open" since the wife claimed Beckham never went to the shed and the electrocution was rather unusual.
On August 22, 1988, Peter Ferry, 60, retired Army Brigadier General/Assistant Marketing Director with Marconi, was found on the 22nd or 23rd of August,1988 electrocuted in his company flat with electrical leads in his mouth.
The coroner's verdict was,"Open", as circumstances were very unusual for a death.
In September 1988, Andrew Hall, 33, engineering Manager with British Aerospace, found dead in a car with a hose connected to the exhaust.
The coroner's verdict was,"Suicide".
Bowden’s solicitor hired an accident investigator to examine the wreck. Somebody had swapped the normally pristine tires on Bowden’s Rover with a set that were worn and old.
3 years later, radar designer Roger Hill killed himself with a shotgun at his home. Later that year Jonathan Wash died after plunging from a hotel window. The coroner returned an Open Verdict.
More puzzling still was the death of Vimal Dajibhai, 24, who jumped off the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol in August 1986. Dajibhai had been working at Marconi on computer control systems for Stingray torpedoes. Dajibhai was found with his pants around his ankles and a needle-sized puncture wound on his left buttock. The Bristol coroner noted and was concerned by this stating, “it was a mystery then and remains a mystery now.” Thus the coroner ruled it an "open" case.
Left to right —Vimal Dajibhai, Arshad Sharif, Keith Bowden, Alistair Beckham, John Ferry and John Whiteman
Perhaps the very most disturbing death of all occurred 2 months later. Arshad Sharif, 26, another computer scientist who worked on satellite guidance systems at Marconi.
Sharif also traveled to Bristol, tied one end of a rope around his neck, the other end to a tree, then jammed his foot on the accelerator of his car and decapitated himself.
The day before his death, Sharif had been acting oddly and was seen paying for accommodation in a rooming house with a bundle of high denomination bank notes.
A relative summoned to identify the body noticed something suspicious about his car. What appeared to be a metal rod was lying on the floor of the car next to the accelerator. Had it been used to wedge down the pedal?
The coroner wasn’t happy. “This is past coincidence…I will not be completing this inquest until I know how two men with no connection to Bristol came to meet the same end here”.
Some of the men worked on computer guidance systems for missiles
He never did find out why, but both men were suspected to be working on a top secret project called Cosmos, which involved underwater guidance systems, establishing a further connection between the pair.
The Marconi spokesman said 35,000 people worked in the UKs defence industry in the mid-80s, and these deaths over a 3 years time span, could easily be called coincidences. In fact, nobody at the time the deaths had occurred recognized any connection.
Then by 1987 and 1988, the pace of deaths had markedly increased, so that the UK press and some MPs began to connect the dots.
1987 started with the death of Richard Pugh. Another computer expert in the defence industry and consultant to the MOD, Pugh’s body was found in his apartment, his feet tied, a plastic bag on his head and a thick rope coiled around his body. The coroner’s verdict was "accident due to sexual misadventure".
Then a few days later, another scientist doing top secret work for the MOD , Dr. John Brittan, died in his own garage of carbon monoxide poisoning.
The next month, another Marconi engineer, David Skeels, also died of carbon monoxide poisoning, found in his car with a hose connected to the exhaust.
Also in February, two more defence engineers and scientists died — Victor Moore from an overdose, and Peter Peapell, still another car-generated carbon monoxide poisoning victim.
Peter Peapell’s death was especially concerning. After spending an evening with friends, he and his wife returned home and Peapell went to put away the car.
The next morning his wife found his body jammed underneath the car with his mouth next to the exhaust pipe. Police were unconvinced it was suicide because it seemed impossible and very unlikely that he could have gotten his body into the odd position it was discovered. The coroner called it,"open" verdict.
John Whiteman supposedly over-dosed on pills and drowned himself in his own bathtub, the body surrounded by pills and empty alcohol bottles. Uncannily the autopsy revealed no trace of drugs or alcohol in his body.
In April, in almost the same as Richard Pugh in January of 1987, Mark Wisner, 24, was found dead with a plastic bag on his head and plastic sandwich wrap around his face. The verdict was death by sexual misadventure.
The previous year Marconi purchased defence electronics firm Plessey. Within a month between May and June 1987 two of its scientists were dead — Michael Baker, 22 in May and Frank Jennings, 60, in June.
At the start of 1988, lab technician Russel Smith, 23, jumped off a cliff in Cornwall. A senior computer engineer at Marconi — Trevor Knight, was the victim of yet another suicide by car exhaust pipe.
Marconi purchased high-tech firm Plessey in 1987. Within a year, two of its scientists were dead
In August, there were two gruesome electrocutions of senior figures at Marconi that are some of the most suspicious of all the deaths.
Alistair Beckham, 50, was a computer engineer who it’s believed was working on top secret pilot programs for America’s Strategic Defence Initiative.
After some light Sunday afternoon gardening, Beckham retired to his shed, attached wires to his chest, pushed them into a power socket and, with a handkerchief jammed in his mouth, hit the power.
Beckham’s wife was entirely unconvinced her husband committed suicide. Beckham was highly secretive about his work and just hours after his death men from the Ministry of Defence arrived at the scene and took away several documents and files from Beckham’s home.
In similar but even more gruesome fashion, Marconi director John Ferry, 60, jammed stripped wires into his own tooth fillings and electrocuted himself.
Could all of these grisly suicides really just be a coincidence? By now several stories in the press had appeared questioning whether there was actually some kind of KGB or Eastern bloc conspiracy to kill the scientists.
Several MPs and trade union leader Clive Jenkins called for an inquiry into the deaths. Jenkin’s wrote that the deaths were — “statistically incredible” and spoke of the concern amongst his members over “these clusters of suicides, violent deaths, or murders.”
The conservative government of Margaret Thatcher dismissed calls for an inquiry, claiming the deaths were not statistically unusual and were just ‘coincidences’, perhaps exacerbated by high levels of stress in the defence industry.
Professor Colin Pritchard, a noted expert in mental illness and suicides, thinks at least some of the deaths were statistically uncommon.
Whilst its true suicide is one of the most prevalent causes of early death in men, especially young men, Pritchard believes factors in some of the cases make the suicide verdicts unlikely.
Pritchard cites the cases of at least 4 of the men that share unusual elements. All 4 men had complained to friends and family that they had been tasked ‘strange’, ‘impossible’ and ‘unscientific’ tasks by their employers.
All 4 men committed suicide in incredibly violent and bizarre ways. Pritchard has studied numerous suicide cases and thinks such extreme suicide methods are normally only associated with people suffering severe mental breakdowns, to the extent they would be unable to even hold down jobs.
Yet the men were all employed up until the day of their deaths and none had shown any sign of mental illness or other disturbance.
All of the men had also recently found new jobs and were preparing to leave within days of their deaths. Likewise, all 4 men had recently arranged appointments with their MPs.
What were the strange ‘unscientific’ projects that the men were complaining of, and why had they all booked appointments with their MPs? Had they stumbled on something in their jobs that had worried them — something that led to them been silenced?
Several of the deaths were put down to sex games that had gone wrong. But intelligence expert Conrad Black says death by sexual misadventure is a common method of disguising murder in the world of espionage.
There were American actors who seemingly committed suicide by sexual misadventure.
Black told the Daily Record — “Disposing of an enemy and making it look like a perverted fantasy gone wrong is in the training manuals of every spy agency from MI6 to Mossad.
The sex game cover is a very useful mechanism in a murder. Not only does it provide a disguise for the actual means and method of death, it trashes the reputation of the victim and dissipates the energy of any subsequent investigation.”
The Marconi deaths weren’t the only unexplained, violent or unusual deaths amongst defence workers in Europe in the 1980s.
In West Germany in 1986 there were several incidents involving individuals associated with America’s SDI — the Strategic Defence Initiative dubbed ‘Star Wars’ by the press.
The Strategic Defence Initiative was an ambitious programme to create a space based anti-nuclear weapon shield which would have rendered Soviet nuclear capability useless.
In July 9,1986, Karl-Heinz Beckurts, a German physicist and member of the Executive Board and Head of Corporate Research and Technology of Siemens AG and an SDI contractor was killed by a car bomb or an electronically exploded roadside bomb in Straßlach, a district of Munich. His chauffeur Eckhard Groppler was also killed. Although
The Red Army Faction (German:Rote Armee Fraktion) or (RAF) calling itself, "Kommando Mara Cagol" claimed responsibility for the murders but the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt) investigation found only one suspect: Horst Ludwig Meyer. When Meyer died from Vienna police gunfire in 1999, their lead died with him.
Gerrold von Braunmühl, a senior advisor in SDI negotiations and Nato diplomat was shot twice in the head at point blank range while getting out of a taxi in Bonn in October 1986. Other attacks on SDI-related firms convince German prosecutors that they were targeted.
Similar deaths and disappearances amongst defence figures in Sweden and Italy occurred at the same time, giving rise to the suspicion that there was an Eastern Bloc plot to attack Western defence capability and the SDI.
Attempting to undermine an enemy’s defence capabilities by murdering their scientists is not uncommon. The US, UK and Israel have all been known to strategically stage accidents to remove high-ranking enemy scientists for political ends.
In recent years at least 4 top Iranian nuclear scientist have been killed by Israel’s Mossad in an attempt to derail Iran’s nuclear programme.
Killing targets in a foreign country is also not uncommon. In 1978, dissident Georgi Markov was murdered on Waterloo Bridge in London by agents of the Bulgarian secret police aided by the KGB.
Many of the Marconi scientists were involved either directly or peripherally in the Star Wars programme and other related projects.
Could their strange deaths actually have been a series of Russian or East German orchestrated murders designed to scuttle the SDI?
The British government, Marconi and many in the press blamed stress in the high-pressure defence industry for the cluster of suicides.
Stress has often been cited as a problem in the secret defence industry and may have been a contributing factor to the cluster of suicides. The deliberate nature and grisliness suggests stress inducement/threats/bribes/ and other strssors coupled with kidnapping and mayhem.
Suicide is the most common form of death in men aged 20–49 — the age bracket into which almost all the Marconi scientists fell into.
It would therefore not be unexpected to find a fair number of suicides in a male dominated occupation, especially one that operates under such tight secrecy.
Some of the widows commented on how their husbands were unable to talk about their secret work. If they were having trouble with the jobs, the fact they may have been unable to discuss the situation with their loved ones may have been another contributory factor.
During those pre-1980s "cold war" days, it would have been vicious but entirely logical for the Russians to have been "bumping off" senior defence industry managers and engineers. How else could they counter the enormous technical ability and economic power of western defence industry driven by billions from the capitalism they loathed? It also would have made sense for the U.K. Government to "keep things quiet", since, if people had known what was transpiring, many, many people would have changed careers, deciding that "it was just not worth the risk"? How much more would the Russians have achieved in disruptive terrorism, if they had leaked the right information to the Press? Maybe they did?
Thursday, July 9, 2015
More Government,More Messups
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been heavily criticized since it began for a multitude of unintelligent practices and imprudent missteps. Nevertheless the early June 2015 report from the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security reveals perhaps the acme of (Tuff Stuff's)TSA’s greatest many problems.
The TSA botched its identification and recognition of over 73 airport employees who were “linked to terrorism.” The Inspector General’s report reads:
“[O]ur testing showed that TSA did not identify 73 individuals with terrorism-related category codes. According to TSA data, these individuals were employed by major airlines, airport vendors, and other employers.”
The Inspector General’s report findings assert that the "Tuff" (TSA) “acknowledged” specific individuals who are catagorized into terrorism-related category codes “represented a potential transportation security threat.”
Additionally, the report hinted at the under- lying reason why the TSA failed to identify the potential terrorists:
“This occurred because TSA is not authorized under current interagency watchlisting policy to receive certain terrorism-related category codes as part of the watchlist extract they used for vetting.”
The Inspector General’s report noted that specific terrorism-related category codes were redacted or "left out" or omitted from the report, and the identities of the individuals who had been identified as being a potential threat to airport security.
The TSA also tried to cope with the lapses in vetting and security. In 2014, the TSA Administrator "put a signature to" a memo or notice to “partially address” the glaring flaws and "Achilles heels" in security and vetting protocols.
present airport policies rely heavily on individuals to “self-report disqualifying crimes.” Then should the applicants actually admit to misdomeanors, felonies, and wrong-doing when they self-report, they pose a risk of being terminated from their job as soon as someone gets the time to really read what the applicants admitted. Sometimes applicants are hired - then while they are probationary - they may show character flaws resulting in someone actually READING CAREFULLY the application they submitted. The TSA hiring authority sees this lapse as "benefit of the doubt" and giving someone a second chance". Many applicants have had MANY chances to "turn over a new leaf" and reverted to "old habits" and "old character flaws".
The TSA has had several examples of bad PR or bad press over the last several months. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson announced that Melvin Carraway, the Acting Administrator for the TSA, had been reassigned but not fired after it was discovered that undercover agents had penetrated security by successfully bringing phony but realistic-looking weapons through security checkpoints.
In the past sleeping or distracted scanners had ignored the alarms their detectors had set off from phony but realistic-looking weapons that had been brought through security checkpoints.
Ultra-liberal billionaire and overwhelming candidate for "Lib-Scum of the Year Amidst Heavier Than Usual Competetion" George Soros donated $33 million to social justice organizations which fomented so much violence in Ferguson Missouri that a local protest became a national tinderbox and a "hell-hole".
Many brochures or handouts that were revealed in tax filings from Soros's private foundation, were given to dozens of different groups which muscled in with a mercenary manner to aggravate and escallate - the crisis. Lies from a rather biased "witness" that "the gentle big thug" had his hands up in the air were PUMPED UP by a "bleeds-it-leads" media making up "violence excuses" out of thin air long before the autopsy revealed THE TRUTH that Brown had CHARGED the officer forcing him to empty his service weapon in self defense. NONE of the bullets entered Brown's BACK as the liar witness(s) had stipulated. The liar(s) should be prosecuted and held for encouraging a RIOT as they have "the blood of many on their guilty hands." But this bought-and-paid-for-rent-a-mob prospered greatly from the suffering of businesses they had a hand in burning. Good luck getting other investors to attempt commerce in the Ferguson area! No one in their sane and rational MIND would ever dare to attempt a business in Ferguson again. Who will suffer the most in the long run? The good and decent residents of Ferguson and the businesses that tried to "make a go" of commerce in the area - will suffer for many years. Those who remain will have to travel many miles to purchase food, gasoline and any sort of essentials. Had this $33 milllion been INVESTED in the area instead of being used to foment violence, the Ferguson residents would have benefitted by good jobs and rising real estate values. Noe gutted buildings serve as mute testimony of the dreams of hard-working, daring and bold individuals who tried in vain for years only to be WIPED OUT due to outsider interference.
In stark contrast, hard-hit-by-the-2008-continuing recession Las Vegas has benefitted from "outside influences" as people have MOVED THERE as fugitives from liberalism and high taxes. Las vegas has welcomed DOZENS of new businesses into "the fold" bringing hundreds of new jobs and opportunity where half-completed "dreams" were "falling down" for lack of funding and neglect.
Yet Ferguson was beset and over-run by several groups of "community organizers" from professional groups. They were bussed into the struggling Missouri town of Ferguson from Washington, D.C., and New York to co-ordinate messaging and lobby to news media to cover events and a created-sideshow of violence using George (Swartz) Soros, the billionaire's funding.
The watchdog of liberty's Washington Times uncovered the $33 million flood of donations in an analysis of the 2015 tax return presented by Soros's Open Society Foundations.
The $33 million in cash was reportedly funneled into maintaining groups of "inciting-a-riot" protesters in Ferguson over a period of several months by importing the Washington DC and New York and other places - outside activists.
In the meantime, documents from liberal so-called-think tanks were passed out and distributed to initiate extra coverage of the civil unrest that was also arbitrarily comnnected to the police killings of Eric Garner in Staten Island and Tamir Rice, 12, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Some of the misbegotten trouble-making groups which covered the research, and the movements themselves, included one, Colorlines, which Soros himself has personally funded.
The multitude of misbegotten trouble-making groups and organizations reportedly created their own online 'echo chamber', by using their extensive social media fake profiles to 'like', repost and comment on articles promoting their sick, twisted, bigoted and violent - point of attitude and view.
The director of Soros's fund denied that any direct control over the multitude of misbegotten trouble-making groups and organizations the Soros "Syndicate" donates money to, and stated that they are all attempting to improve accountability by showing who got how much and why. Unfortunately $33 million in cash is very difficult to trace so it is doubted that any state or national income tax was ever paid on the $33 million.
Nevertheless, tax filings revealed that Soros bankrolled groups with million$ that bussed protesters to Ferguson, Missouri, from around the USA and co-ordinated campaigns to keep it front page news for no apparent reason in the lame-stream media
The anonymous director of Soros's fund told the Washington Times: 'Helping groups combine policy, research [and] data collection with community organizing feels very much the way our society becomes more accountable.
'The incidents, whether in Staten Island, Cleveland or Ferguson, were spontaneous protests - we don’t have the ability to control or dictate what others say or choose to say.'
The Soros $33 million mostly cash was also utilized in violence-fomenting and bigoted buzzwords and social media campaigns to try to keep the Ferguson lies "burning like a lighted candle" in the national consciousness.
One such lucky recipient of Soros' overly generous and untracked funding is the Organization for Black Struggle, which had a "spinoff" group based on a blatant lie called the Hands Up Coalition, that has helped make a household stench of the 'hands up, don't shoot' lie-and-spin-doctor created - slogan.
A few of the multitude of misbegotten trouble-making groups and organizations Soros funded concocted slogans and social media campaigns to keep the event "frying and cooking the brain" of the national consciousness.
Even Glenn Beck stated,“And I think there’s a couple of things that are happening. One, just by discrediting Twitter, Facebook, the Internet, where you just don’t know who it is, that’s the way most of us are getting our news now, is on the internet,” he explained. “It just undermines credibility. It undermines faith in one another in what you can and cannot trust.”
Glenn Beck added,“This is a shark bump. This is early now. When you give us another year of this kind of atmosphere, you ratchet it up…you can escalate this country so fast. Then you have the outside. You have the Russians doing something like this. No one will believe it. It will be too late. You’ll burn a city down. You won’t stop it”.
The commentary references to how contentious and blatant liar witness accounts described how Michael Brown was raising his hands in surrender when Ferguson officer Darren Wilson shot him dead in August of 2014.
Soros also "hosed away" donations to the Drug Policy Alliance, which worked behind the scenes on making public the 'black lives matter' buzz phrase. This buzz phrase has been augmented with "except to blacks" to make it a truism and the original lie was incorporated into speeches by political figures including Hillary Rodham Clinton. HRC is very easily influenced by wrongful and inciteful rheteric since she thinks she will have to get "all the votes" from this group.
The seed-money source of George (Swartz) Soros' billions fortune was looted from speculating on financial markets, especially in profiting over $1billion in the 1990s by helping cripple the British financial system due to speculation on the pound sterling.
George (Swartz) Soros is presently ranked at number 17 on the Forbes 400 richlist, with an estimated and approximated worth of $24billion.
Many of the rent-a-mob arrests in Ferguson happened during renewed Mike Brown protests. Police allegedly had to fire tear gas in vain attemps to control the violence, arson and looting.
Some people, because Soros made millions moving deep water oil rigs to his Brazil oil fields hold that Soros is the real President of the United States and that the puppet Obama just works for him.
The views expressed in the contents above are those of multitudes of readers and users and do not necessarily reflect the views of this blog.
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One ridiculous theory holds that, "The Republicans don't want to throw Obamacare overboard because that means they'll have to fix it." That's exactly the point! The point is that the conservative movement has become not a party of opposition, or even a movement of opposition, but a movement of fine tuning. And what does the Republican Establishment fine tune? Democrat proposals! Democrat ideas! Instead of rejecting them, instead of throwing them overboard and proposing to the American people -- who are smart enough to understand -- alternative ideas, the Republican Establishment fine tunes socialism and calls it conservatism with a heart.
This blogger is sorry, but the Republican Establishment is NOT providing the answer or any solution to combating creeping socialism.
A headline from the Washington Examiner: "Poll: 72% Fear Economic Crash, Concern 'Highest Ever'." What the story is about, if you read it, the GOP pollsters are telling Republicans, "You've got to let go of those social issues, they're killing you. It's the economy, stupid people, you've got to drop the social issues. You HAVE TO go along with the Democrats on each and every social issue."
actually the the Republican Establishment is NOT doing a thing on social issues. The Democrats are BEING ALLOWED TO FORCE social issues on everybody. Today, the latest example, it's the Democrats forcing these things and average, ordinary Americans are trying to defend what they believe in. There is no aggressive behavior on the part of Republicans or conservatives and certainly not the Republican Establishment. Everybody is in a defensive posture. Everybody is just standing by trying to hold on to what they believe in and what they have left. They are not promoting POSITIVE and FAMILY VALUES long cherished by decent, mainstraem average Americans.
Every ounce of the aggressiveness, every ounce of the offense, every ounce of whatever is being undertaken is directly coming from the Democrat Party because they are taking the lead here. Nevertheless, here goes, the Republican candidates for president getting told, "Get rid of social issues, let them go. It's the economy, the economy is the way to win." And letting go of the social issues is allowing American borders, language and culture to be corrupted. Just another one of these things 180 degrees out of phase. And the social issues, what it is, is a bunch of moderate Republican establishment jerks who think they're losing on abortion and should not oppose imaginary gay civil rights or the climate change mythology.
Republican Establishment jerks are caving in and losing on everything. They are in abject denial and just don't know they are losing on everything. Are they winning on the economy? This is the most disastrous economy, most unemployed, jobs getting undermined by foreigner encroachment inflation-ridden economy since Jimmy Carter, and the Republican Establishment jerks may be winning elections by being LIARS pretending to defund Obamacare and FIGHT illegal immigration and jobs handed over to imported immigrants but is there any push back or resistance on any of this? There's a lot of rhetoric and bla-bla talk. There's a lot of donation requests. There's a great deal of fundraising going on. A lot of people promising enactment of policies or thinking about policies and working for policies and they're going to do this and they're going to do that. The moment of truth comes and they back the lost cause Keystone Pipeline that has been re-routed and IF legislation got enacted -would be VETOED BY OBAMA, so they procrastinate and kick the can down the road claiming it is not the right time.
It's never the right time. For FORTY YEARS before the 1980s, it was never the right time. There is no opposition. Many true conservatives in the silent majority that are feeling lost today, who feel like it's over, at wit's end, true conservatives winning nothing, losing everything, BUT true conservatives in the silent majority are still the majority. That is part of that being bedraggled feeling. That's precisely WHY true conservatives in the silent majority are so ticked off. Being the majority and cognizant of it. Less than two percent of the population is bullying its way and trampling the will of the true conservatives in the silent majority of this country and nobody is doing anything to stop it because of fear or whatever. And that's exactly why true conservatives in the silent majority are so upset.
What is the worth and good of winning elections? That's the big smelly skunky - truth. The big, final, ultimate act is bothering to vote and getting winning landslide victories in 2010 and 2014, with NOTHING to show for it, nothing. That's why true conservatives in the silent majority are so mad. Tired of feeling like losers? Tired of feeling like there's no solution. The way the game is being played right now there is no recourse. The Supreme Court, with a sickening majority of liberals is, depending on the issue, pretending they are the federal government, over-reaching and smothering the other two branches so that they don't even count and don't even matter.
An early July 2015 story: "Christian Farmers Fined $13,000 for Refusing to Host Same-Sex Wedding Fight Back -- The owners of a small family farm in upstate New York fined $13,000 for discriminating against a same-sex couple for refusing to host a wedding on their property are fighting back."
It is a dirty rotten shame that they'll lose, especially with the Supreme Court's goffball, off-the-wall decision. Officially all resistance to the militant gay agenda is just just a rear guard action. Deemed a lost cause, like the states' rights defending Confederacy that even had blacks fighting in its ranks. Soon, like the Confederacy, all everything is gonna be declared a hate crime by the thought police to even write, mention or remember aloud. South Carolina is showing unheard of Democrat tendencies by throwing its Southern heritage under the bus. Why didn't they have a special vote? Because the VOTERS would have KEPT the Confederate flag for Confederate cemeteries. Next will be chiseling flags off gravestones like Egyptians chiseling a pharaoh's name from their history because the new pharaoh is displeased and NOW he is in charge. Why not allow a simple VOTE to dispel this FAD that got "legs" because a bigot waved the Stars and Bars among the Rhodesian and flag of South Africa. the Roof alleged murderer was NOT a member of anyone's "bigot band of loonies" but singlehandedly Roof waved and besmirched a flag that has been a symbol of Southern heritage and states' rights for many decades. is the NAACP racist because it is an old liberal symbol of racism and reminds people that they were once called "c______d"? Will the Redskins' thin-skinned word police shut down the NAACP? Will the NAACP be forced to change its name or disband?
"In an appeal filed today before an appellate division of the New York Supreme Court, a lawyer for Cynthia and Robert Gifford, owners of Liberty Ridge Farm near Albany, N.Y., argued that when finding them guilty, the court did not consider their constitutional freedoms and religious beliefs. '[The decision] violates the Giffords' free exercise of religion, freedom of expressive association, and freedom of expression protected under the United States and New York Constitutions,'" according to their lawyer. Besides that it was their private property. They have NOTHING TO SAY what transpires on THEIR PROPERTY? Should they have fenced off their property entirely and posted,"NO TRESPASSING SIGNS"?
There isn't a freedom of religion in the US for Christians anymore. That's the idea. "The Giffords were found guilty of 'sexual orientation discrimination' by an administrative law judge," pay the fine, and have been told that they must attend sensitivity training classes.
The Supreme Court even sided with a development firm that sought to kick at least 18 families off their 18 respective properties and make them accept a buyout for their property AGAINST THEIR WISHES to sell. Some blather about the "greater good" and a bigger tax bite for the community was their excuse.
People were ousted from their property,New London spent $78 million bulldozing their houses to clear the land THEN the developer backed out, Pfizer backed out of providing over 3100 jobs at a new New London facility, and the property has ONE big brick building with a white sign that READS"Thank Ypu Gov. Rell for your support" and the web URLs of two organizations protesting over-use of eminent domain, Castle Coalition and Institute for Justice.
There is all sorts of BLAME here but the fact remains that these people were NOT BOUGHT OUT ONE BY ONE and their property was STOLEN by "eminent domain" protested by Supreme Court Justice Thomas.
TWAS cold blooded it twas!
#1 Bill Gates $78.2 B $81 B 59 Medina, WA Microsoft
#2 Warren Buffett $65.1 B $67 B 84 Omaha, NE Berkshire Hathaway
#3 Larry Ellison $49.9 B $50 B 70 Woodside, CA Oracle
#4 Charles Koch $40.6 B $42 B 79 Wichita, KS diversified
#4 David Koch $40.6 B $42 B 75 New York, NY diversified
#6 Jeff Bezos $39.2 B $30.5 B 51 Seattle, WA
#7 Mark Zuckerberg $37.7 B $34 B 31 Palo Alto, CA Facebook
#8 Christy Walton $36.4 B $38 B 60 Jackson, WY Wal-Mart
#9 Michael Bloomberg $36.2 B $35 B 73 New York, NY Bloomberg LP
#10 Jim Walton $35.4 B $36 B 67 Bentonville, AR Wal-Mart
#11 Alice Walton $34.2 B $34.9 B 65 Fort Worth, TX Wal-Mart
#12 S. Robson Walton $33.9 B $34.8 B 71 Bentonville, AR Wal-Mart
#13 Larry Page $29 B $31.5 B 42 Palo Alto, CA Google
#14 Sheldon Adelson $28.8 B $32 B 81 Las Vegas, NV casinos
#15 Sergey Brin $28.5 B $31 B 41 Los Altos, CA Google
#16 Forrest Mars Jr $25.9 B $22 B 83 Big Horn, WY candy
#16 Jacqueline Mars $25.9 B $22 B 75 The Plains, VA candy
#16 John Mars $25.9 B $22 B 79 Jackson, WY candy
#19 Phil Knight $24.5 B $19.9 B 77 Hillsboro, OR Nike
#20 George Soros $24.2 B $24 B 84 Katonah, NY hedge funds
#21 Steve Ballmer $21.7 B $22.5 B 59 Hunts Point, WA Microsoft
#22 Carl Icahn $21.4 B $26 B 79 New York, NY investments
#23 Laurene Powell Jobs $20.7 B $16.6 B 51 Palo Alto, CA Apple, Disney
#24 Len Blavatnik $20.6 B $21.5 B 58 London diversified
#25 Michael Dell $18.3 B $17.7 B 50 Austin, TX Dell
#26 Anne Cox Chambers $17.4 B $16.1 B 95 Atlanta, GA media
#27 Charles Ergen $17.4 B $17.2 B 62 Denver, CO Dish Network
#28 Paul Allen $17.4 B $17 B 62 Mercer Island, WA Microsoft, investments
#29 Ray Dalio $15.4 B $15.2 B 65 Greenwich, CT hedge funds
#30 Donald Bren $15.2 B $15.1 B 83 Newport Beach, CA real estate
#31 Ronald Perelman $14.7 B $14.5 B 72 New York, NY leveraged buyouts
#32 James Simons $14 B $12.5 B 77 East Setauket, NY hedge funds
#33 Elon Musk $13.4 B $10.3 B 44 Los Angeles, CA Tesla Motors
#34 Rupert Murdoch $13.2 B $14.2 B 84 New York, NY media
#35 Philip Anschutz $12.7 B $11.1 B 75 Denver, CO investments
#36 Andrew Beal $12.5 B $12.1 B 62 Dallas, TX banks, real estate
#37 Jack Taylor $12.4 B $13.8 B 92 St. Louis, MO Enterprise Rent-A-Car
#38 Stephen Schwarzman $12.4 B $10.6 B 68 New York, NY investments
#39 Abigail Johnson $12.4 B $13.3 B 53 Milton, MA money management
#40 Patrick Soon-Shiong $12.2 B $12 B 63 Los Angeles, CA pharmaceuticals
#41 Steve Cohen $11.4 B $10.3 B 59 Greenwich, CT hedge funds
#42 John Paulson $11.2 B $13.7 B 59 New York, NY hedge funds
#43 Thomas Peterffy $11.1 B $9.1 B 70 Greenwich, CT discount brokerage
#44 Richard Kinder $10.9 B $10.7 B 70 Houston, TX pipelines
#45 Charles Butt $10.4 B $9.8 B 77 San Antonio, TX supermarkets
#46 David Tepper $10.4 B $10 B 57 Livingston, NJ hedge funds
#47 Harold Hamm $9.8 B $18.7 B 69 Oklahoma City, OK oil & gas
#48 Leonard Lauder $9.4 B $8.2 B 82 New York, NY Estee Lauder
#49 George Kaiser $9.3 B $10.6 B 72 Tulsa, OK oil & gas, banking
#50 Thomas Frist Jr $9.2 B $7.6 B 76 Nashville, TN health care
#51 Samuel Newhouse Jr $9.1 B $9.5 B 87 New York, NY media
#52 Eric Schmidt $9 B $9.3 B 60 Atherton, CA Google
#53 Dustin Moskovitz $8.9 B $8.1 B 31 San Francisco, CA Facebook
#54 John Menard Jr $8.7 B $7.9 B 75 Eau Claire, WI retail
#55 Blair Parry-Okeden $8.7 B $8 B 64 Scone media
#55 Jim Kennedy $8.7 B $8 B 67 Atlanta, GA media
#57 Pierre Omidyar $8.5 B $8.2 B 48 Honolulu, HI Ebay
#58 John Malone $8.4 B $7.7 B 74 Elizabeth, CO cable television
#59 Donald Newhouse $8.3 B $8.7 B 85 Somerset County, NJ media
#60 Hank & Doug Meijer $7.9 B $8 B - Grand Rapids, MI supermarkets
#61 Micky Arison $7.6 B $6.4 B 66 Bal Harbour, FL Carnival Cruises
#62 James Goodnight $7.5 B $7.7 B 72 Cary, NC software
#63 Jan Koum $7.3 B $7.6 B 39 Santa Clara, CA WhatsApp
#64 Leslie Wexner $7.2 B $6.2 B 77 New Albany, OH retail
#65 Eli Broad $7.1 B $7.2 B 82 Los Angeles, CA investments
#66 Ralph Lauren $6.9 B $8 B 75 New York, NY Ralph Lauren
#67 Edward Johnson III $6.8 B $7.3 B 85 Boston, MA money management
#68 Charles Schwab $6.8 B $6.5 B 77 Atherton, CA discount brokerage
#69 David Geffen $6.8 B $6.7 B 72 Malibu, CA entertainment
#70 Carl Cook $6.6 B $6 B 52 Bloomington, IN medical devices
#71 Kelcy Warren $6.6 B $6.1 B 59 Dallas, TX pipelines
#72 Ken Griffin $6.6 B $5.5 B 46 Chicago, IL hedge funds
#73 Richard LeFrak $6.6 B $5.8 B 69 New York, NY real estate
#74 Stephen Ross $6.5 B $6 B 75 New York, NY real estate
#75 David Duffield $6.5 B $7.4 B 74 Blackhawk, CA business software
#76 Stanley Kroenke $6.3 B $5.7 B 67 Columbia, MO sports, real estate
#77 Charles Johnson $6.2 B $6.7 B 82 Palm Beach, FL money management
#78 Jin Sook & Do Won Chang $6.2 B $5.2 B 60 Beverly Hills, CA fashion retail
#79 Hansjoerg Wyss $6.1 B n/a 80 Wilson, WY medical devices
#80 Ira Rennert $6.1 B $6.3 B 81 New York, NY investments
#81 David Green $6.1 B $5 B 73 Oklahoma City, OK retail
#82 Gordon Moore $6 B $7 B 86 Woodside, CA Intel
#83 Bruce Halle $5.9 B $4.7 B 85 Paradise Valley, AZ tires
#84 Sumner Redstone $5.8 B $6.5 B 92 Beverly Hills, CA Media
#85 Pauline MacMillan Keinath $5.7 B $3.8 B 81 St. Louis, MO Cargill
#86 Rupert Johnson Jr $5.7 B $6.3 B 74 Burlingame, CA money management
#87 Dennis Washington $5.6 B $6 B 80 Missoula, MT construction, mining
#88 Robert Rowling $5.5 B $6 B 61 Dallas, TX investments
#89 Herbert Kohler Jr $5.5 B $5.6 B 76 Kohler, WI plumbing fixtures
#90 Richard DeVos $5.5 B $6 B 89 Holland, MI Amway
#91 Dannine Avara $5.4 B $7 B 51 Houston, TX pipelines
#92 Milane Frantz $5.4 B $7 B 45 Houston, TX pipelines
#92 Scott Duncan $5.4 B $7 B 32 Houston, TX pipelines
#94 George Lucas $5.4 B $4.3 B 71 San Anselmo, CA Star Wars
#95 Randa Williams $5.4 B $7 B 53 Houston, TX pipelines
#96 Travis Kalanick $5.3 B $3 B 38 San Francisco, CA car service
#97 Leonard Stern $5.3 B $4.9 B 77 New York, NY real estate
#98 Phillip Frost $5.2 B $3.7 B 78 Miami Beach, FL pharmaceuticals
#99 Randal Kirk $5.1 B $3.1 B 61 Manalapan, FL pharmaceuticals
#100 George Roberts $5.1 B $5.1 B 71 Atherton, CA private equity
#101 Leon Black $5.1 B $5.2 B 64 New York, NY private equity
#102 Ray Lee Hunt $5 B $6.1 B 72 Dallas, TX oil, real estate
#103 Henry Kravis $5 B $5 B 71 New York, NY private equity
#104 Bruce Kovner $5 B $4.9 B 70 New York, NY hedge funds
#105 Daniel Ziff $5 B $4.9 B 43 New York, NY investments
#105 Dirk Ziff $5 B $4.9 B 51 North Palm Beach, FL investments
#105 Robert Ziff $5 B $4.9 B 48 New York, NY investments
#108 Michael & Marian Ilitch $5 B $4 B 85 Bingham Farms, MI pizza
#109 Ann Walton Kroenke $4.9 B $5 B 66 Columbia, MO Wal-Mart
#110 Ted Lerner $4.8 B $4.5 B 89 Chevy Chase, MD real estate
#111 Sam Zell $4.8 B $4.8 B 73 Chicago, IL real estate, private equity
#112 Charles Dolan $4.8 B $3.9 B 88 Oyster Bay, NY cable television
#113 Whitney MacMillan $4.7 B $3.8 B 86 Minneapolis, MN Cargill
#114 Daniel Gilbert $4.7 B $4.2 B 53 Franklin, MI Quicken Loans
#115 John A. Sobrato $4.7 B $4.6 B 76 Atherton, CA real estate
#116 Mark Shoen $4.6 B $4 B 63 Phoenix, AZ U-Haul
#117 Paul Tudor Jones II $4.6 B $4.3 B 60 Greenwich, CT hedge funds
#118 Elizabeth Holmes $4.6 B $4.5 B 31 Palo Alto, CA blood testing
#119 Shahid Khan $4.4 B $4.5 B 64 Naples, FL auto parts
#120 David Sun $4.4 B $4.8 B 63 Irvine, CA computer hardware
#120 John Tu $4.4 B $4.8 B 74 Rolling Hills, CA computer hardware
#122 Trevor Rees-Jones $4.3 B $5.4 B 63 Dallas, TX oil & gas
#123 Andres Santo Domingo $4.3 B n/a 37 New York, NY beer
#124 Alejandro Santo Domingo $4.3 B n/a 38 New York, NY beer
#125 Karen Pritzker $4.3 B $4.1 B 57 Branford, CT hotels, investments
#126 Robert Kraft $4.3 B $4 B 74 Brookline, MA New England Patriots
#127 Jerry Jones $4.2 B $4.2 B 72 Dallas, TX Dallas Cowboys
#128 Tamara Gustavson $4.2 B $3.6 B 53 Malibu, CA self storage
#129 Jeffrey Skoll $4.2 B $3.8 B 50 Los Angeles, CA Ebay
#130 John Morris $4.1 B $4.5 B 67 Springfield, MO sporting goods retail
#131 Donald Trump $4.1 B $4 B 69 New York, NY television, real estate
#132 Jeffery Hildebrand $4.1 B $6.5 B 56 Houston, TX oil
#133 Isaac Perlmutter $4.1 B $3.5 B 72 Palm Beach, FL Marvel comics
#134 David Shaw $4.1 B $3.8 B 64 New York, NY hedge funds
#135 Nancy Walton Laurie $4.1 B $4.2 B 64 Henderson, NV Wal-Mart
#136 Stewart and Lynda Resnick $4.1 B $3.8 B - Beverly Hills, CA agriculture, water
#137 Edward Roski Jr $4 B $3.7 B 76 Los Angeles, CA real estate
#138 George Lindemann $4 B $3.8 B 79 Palm Beach, FL investments
#139 Jerry Speyer $4 B $4 B 75 New York, NY real estate
#140 Reinhold Schmieding $4 B $3.5 B 60 Naples, FL medical devices
#141 Ronald Lauder $4 B $3.8 B 71 New York, NY Estee Lauder
#142 Martha Ingram $3.9 B $3.9 B 79 Nashville, TN book distribution, transportation
#143 Reid Hoffman $3.9 B $4.1 B 48 Palo Alto, CA LinkedIn
#144 J. Christopher Reyes $3.8 B $3.7 B 61 Hobe Sound, FL food distribution
#144 Jude Reyes $3.8 B $3.7 B 59 Palm Beach, FL food distribution
#146 Steven Rales $3.8 B $3.5 B 64 Santa Barbara, CA manufacturing
#147 Tom & Judy Love $3.8 B $3.3 B 77 Oklahoma City, OK retail & gas stations
#148 Israel Englander $3.8 B $3.4 B 66 New York, NY hedge funds
#149 Daniel Och $3.8 B $3.7 B 54 Scarsdale, NY hedge funds
#150 Terrence Pegula $3.8 B $4.6 B 64 Boca Raton, FL natural gas
#151 Brian Acton $3.8 B $3.4 B 43 Palo Alto, CA WhatsApp
#152 Roger Wang $3.8 B $3.3 B 66 Nanjing retail
#153 Ronda Stryker $3.8 B $3.4 B 61 Portage, MI medical equipment
#154 Frederick Smith $3.8 B $3.5 B 70 Memphis, TN FedEx
#155 Bernard Marcus $3.7 B $3 B 86 Atlanta, GA Home Depot
#156 Lynn Schusterman $3.7 B $3.8 B 76 Tulsa, OK oil & gas, investments
#157 John Sall $3.7 B $3.8 B 67 Cary, NC software
#158 H. Ross Perot Sr $3.7 B $3.9 B 85 Dallas, TX computer services, real estate
#159 Leon G. Cooperman $3.7 B $3.8 B 72 Short Hills, NJ hedge funds
#160 Steven Udvar-Hazy $3.7 B $3.7 B 69 Beverly Hills, CA aircraft leasing
#161 Marc Benioff $3.6 B $3.3 B 50 San Francisco, CA business software
#162 Walter Scott Jr $3.6 B $2.9 B 84 Omaha, NE utilities, telecom
#163 Sheldon Solow $3.6 B $3.6 B 86 New York, NY real estate
#164 Mitchell Rales $3.6 B $3.8 B 58 Potomac, MD manufacturing, investments
#165 Gwendolyn Sontheim Meyer $3.6 B $3.8 B 53 Rancho Santa Fe, CA Cargill
#166 Hoang Kieu $3.6 B n/a 71 Los Angeles, CA pharmaceuticals
#167 Steven Spielberg $3.6 B $3.6 B 68 Pacific Palisades, CA Movies
#168 Igor Olenicoff $3.6 B $3.3 B 72 Lighthouse Point, FL real estate
#169 Jeremy Jacobs Sr $3.6 B $3.2 B 75 East Aurora, NY sports concessions
#170 Jim Davis $3.6 B $3.3 B 72 Newton, MA New Balance
#171 Peter Kellogg $3.6 B $3.2 B 72 Short Hills, NJ investments
#172 John Doerr $3.5 B $3.3 B 64 Woodside, CA venture capital
#173 Kevin Plank $3.5 B $3 B 42 Lutherville, MD Under Armour
#174 Diane Hendricks $3.5 B $3.6 B 68 Afton, WI roofing
#175 James Jannard $3.5 B $3 B 66 San Juan Islands, WA sunglasses
#176 David Murdock $3.4 B $3 B 92 Los Angeles, CA Dole, real estate
#177 John Kapoor $3.4 B $2.4 B 71 Phoenix, AZ healthcare
#178 Julian Robertson Jr $3.4 B $3.3 B 83 New York, NY hedge funds
#179 Bubba Cathy $3.4 B n/a 61 Atlanta, GA Chick-Fil-A
#179 Dan Cathy $3.4 B n/a 62 Atlanta, GA Chick-Fil-A
#181 Christa Gelpke $3.4 B n/a - Mannheim pharmaceuticals
#182 Clayton Mathile $3.4 B $2.7 B 74 Brookville, OH pet food
#183 Haim Saban $3.4 B $3.4 B 70 Beverly Hills, CA TV network, investments
#184 Jay Robert (J.B.) Pritzker $3.3 B $3.4 B 50 Chicago, IL hotels, investments
#185 Anthony Pritzker $3.3 B $3.4 B 54 Los Angeles, CA hotels, investments
#186 Archie Aldis Emmerson $3.3 B $3.3 B 86 Redding, CA timberland, lumber mills
#187 Robert Duggan $3.3 B $1.75 B 71 Palo Alto, CA pharmaceuticals
#188 Harry Stine $3.3 B $2.6 B 73 Adel, IA agriculture
#189 Ray Davis $3.3 B $3.1 B 73 Dallas, TX pipelines
#190 Austen Cargill II $3.2 B $2.6 B 64 Livingston, MT Cargill
#190 James Cargill II $3.2 B $2.6 B 66 Birchwood, WI Cargill
#190 Marianne Liebmann $3.2 B $2.6 B 62 Bozeman, MT Cargill
#193 Mary Alice Dorrance Malone $3.2 B $3 B 65 Coatesville, PA Campbell Soup
#194 Edward DeBartolo Jr $3.2 B $3.1 B 68 Tampa, FL shopping centers
#195 Dan Friedkin $3.2 B $3.3 B 50 Houston, TX Toyota dealerships
#196 Tom Gores $3.2 B $3 B 50 Beverly Hills, CA private equity
#197 Leandro Rizzuto $3.2 B $2.9 B 77 Sheridan, WY consumer products
#198 Andrew & Peggy Cherng $3.2 B $3 B - Las Vegas, NV restaurants
#199 Amos Hostetter Jr $3.2 B $3.1 B 78 Boston, MA cable television
#200 Jeff Sutton $3.2 B $3 B 55 Brooklyn, NY real estate
#201 David Rockefeller Sr $3.2 B $3 B 100 Sleepy Hollow, NY oil, banking
#202 H. Fisk Johnson $3.1 B $2.2 B 57 Racine, WI cleaning products
#202 Helen Johnson-Leipold $3.1 B $2.2 B 58 Racine, WI cleaning products
#202 Imogene Powers Johnson $3.1 B $2.2 B 85 Racine, WI cleaning products
#202 S. Curtis Johnson $3.1 B $2.2 B 60 Racine, WI cleaning products
#202 Winnie Johnson-Marquart $3.1 B $2.2 B 56 Virginia Beach, VA cleaning products
#207 Stanley Druckenmiller $3.1 B $3.1 B 62 New York, NY hedge funds
#208 Doris Fisher $3.1 B $3.3 B 83 San Francisco, CA Gap
#209 Thomas Pritzker $3.1 B $3.2 B 65 Chicago, IL hotels, investments
#210 Jorge Perez $3.1 B $3.1 B 65 Miami, FL condos
#211 Dagmar Dolby $3.1 B $3.5 B 74 San Francisco, CA Dolby Laboratories
#212 James Leprino $3.1 B $3 B 77 Indian Hills, CO cheese
#213 Joan Tisch $3.1 B $3 B 89 New York, NY diversified
#214 John Catsimatidis $3.1 B $2.3 B 66 New York, NY oil, real estate, supermarkets
#215 Mark Cuban $3 B $2.7 B 56 Dallas, TX online media
#216 Robert Rich Jr $3 B $3 B 74 Islamorada, FL frozen foods
#217 Wilbur Ross Jr $3 B $3 B 77 Palm Beach, FL investments
#218 Warren Stephens $3 B $3 B 58 Little Rock, AR investment banking
#219 Jeff Greene $3 B $3 B 60 Palm Beach, FL real estate, investments
#220 Neil Bluhm $3 B $2.8 B 77 Chicago, IL real estate
#221 W. Herbert Hunt $3 B $2.8 B 86 Dallas, TX oil
#222 Oprah Winfrey $3 B $3 B 61 Montecito, CA television
#223 John Fisher $2.9 B $3 B 54 San Francisco, CA Gap
#224 Donald Sterling $2.9 B $2.8 B 79 Beverly Hills, CA real estate
#225 Jack Dangermond $2.9 B $2.7 B 69 Redlands, CA mapping software
#226 David Filo $2.9 B $3.3 B 49 Palo Alto, CA Yahoo
#227 David Rubenstein $2.9 B $3 B 65 Bethesda, MD private equity
#228 Daniel D'Aniello $2.8 B $3 B 68 Vienna, VA private equity
#229 Steve Wynn $2.8 B $3.5 B 73 Las Vegas, NV casinos, hotels
#230 John Paul DeJoria $2.8 B $2.8 B 71 Austin, TX hair products, tequila
#231 William Conway Jr $2.8 B $3 B 65 McLean, VA private equity
#232 Howard Schultz $2.8 B $2.1 B 61 Seattle, WA Starbucks
#233 Riley Bechtel $2.8 B $4 B 63 San Francisco, CA engineering, construction
#233 Stephen Bechtel Jr $2.8 B $4 B 90 San Francisco, CA engineering, construction
#235 Sean Parker $2.8 B $3 B 35 New York, NY Facebook
#236 George Bishop $2.8 B $3 B 78 The Woodlands, TX oil & gas
#236 Richard Rainwater $2.8 B $2.7 B 71 Fort Worth, TX real estate, energy, insurance
#238 Herbert Simon $2.7 B $2.3 B 80 Indianapolis, IN real estate
#239 Robert Bass $2.7 B $3 B 67 Fort Worth, TX oil, investments
#240 Peter Buck $2.7 B $2.6 B 84 Danbury, CT Subway sandwich shops
#241 Kenneth Langone $2.7 B $2.4 B 79 Sands Point, NY investments
#242 Jimmy Haslam $2.7 B $1.8 B 61 Knoxville, TN retail
#243 A. Jerrold Perenchio $2.7 B $2.7 B 84 Bel Air, CA television, Univision
#244 Ken Fisher $2.7 B $2.7 B 64 Camas, WA money management
#245 Stephen Bisciotti $2.7 B $2.6 B 55 Millersville, MD outsourcing, football
#246 Michael Rubin $2.7 B $2.7 B 42 Bryn Mawr, PA online retailing
#247 Fred DeLuca $2.7 B $2.6 B 67 Fort Lauderdale, FL Subway sandwich shops
#248 Richard Schulze $2.7 B $2.6 B 74 Bonita Springs, FL Best Buy
#249 Herbert Louis $2.6 B $2.2 B 87 Phoenix, AZ cleaning products
#249 Josephine Louis $2.6 B $2.2 B 85 Winnetka, IL cleaning products
#249 Karen Johnson Boyd $2.6 B $2.2 B 91 Mount Pleasant, WI cleaning products
#252 Judy Faulkner $2.6 B $2.4 B 71 Madison, WI health IT
#253 H. Wayne Huizenga $2.6 B $2.6 B 77 Fort Lauderdale, FL investments
#254 Tilman Fertitta $2.6 B $2.4 B 58 Houston, TX restaurants, casinos
#255 Patrick Ryan $2.6 B $2.4 B 78 Winnetka, IL insurance
#256 Michael Moritz $2.6 B $2.5 B 60 San Francisco, CA venture capital
#257 Ron Burkle $2.6 B $2.6 B 62 London supermarkets, investments
#258 William Wrigley Jr $2.6 B $2.6 B 51 North Palm Beach, FL chewing gum
#259 Bernard Saul II $2.6 B $2.6 B 83 Chevy Chase, MD banking, real estate
#260 Joshua Harris $2.6 B $2.6 B 50 New York, NY private equity
#261 John Arnold $2.6 B $2.9 B 41 Houston, TX hedge funds
#262 David Bonderman $2.6 B $2.6 B 72 Fort Worth, TX private equity
#263 Gary Rollins $2.5 B $2.7 B 70 Atlanta, GA pest control
#264 Randall Rollins $2.5 B $2.7 B 83 Atlanta, GA pest control
#265 Bharat Desai $2.5 B $2.5 B 62 Fisher Island, FL Outsourcing
#266 Henry Samueli $2.5 B $2.2 B 60 Newport Beach, CA semiconductors
#267 Dean White $2.5 B $2 B 92 Crown Point, IN billboards, hotels
#268 Daniel Loeb $2.5 B $2.3 B 53 New York, NY hedge funds
#268 Henry Hillman $2.5 B $2.5 B 96 Pittsburgh, PA investments
#270 Min Kao $2.5 B $2.9 B 66 Leawood, KS navigation equipment
#271 Forrest Preston $2.5 B $2 B 82 Cleveland, TN health care
#272 Arthur Blank $2.5 B $2.2 B 72 Atlanta, GA Home Depot
#273 Barry Diller $2.5 B $2.4 B 73 New York, NY online media
#274 Romesh T. Wadhwani $2.5 B $2.5 B 67 Palo Alto, CA software
#275 William Ackman $2.5 B $1.7 B 49 New York, NY hedge funds
#276 Edward Lampert $2.5 B $3.1 B 52 Miami Beach, FL Sears
#277 Michael Milken $2.5 B $2.5 B 69 Los Angeles, CA investments
#278 Penny Pritzker $2.5 B $2.5 B 56 Chicago, IL hotels, investments
#279 Ty Warner $2.5 B $2.3 B 70 Oak Brook, IL real estate, plush toys
#280 Mortimer Zuckerman $2.4 B $2.4 B 78 New York, NY real estate, media
#281 Jean (Gigi) Pritzker $2.4 B $2.5 B 53 Chicago, IL hotels, investments
#282 B. Wayne Hughes $2.4 B $2.4 B 82 Lexington, KY self storage
#283 Nicholas Woodman $2.4 B $3.9 B 40 Woodside, CA video cameras
#284 Robert McNair $2.4 B $2.4 B 78 Houston, TX energy, sports
#285 Marc Rowan $2.4 B $2.5 B 53 New York, NY private equity
#286 Timothy Headington $2.4 B $2.8 B 65 Dallas, TX oil & gas, investments
#287 Jack Dorsey $2.4 B $2.7 B 38 San Francisco, CA Twitter
#288 Tom Golisano $2.4 B $2.1 B 73 Naples, FL payroll services
#289 James Dinan $2.4 B $2.2 B 56 New York, NY hedge funds
#290 Glen Taylor $2.4 B $1.7 B 74 Mankato, MN printing
#291 Johnelle Hunt $2.3 B $2.2 B 83 Fayetteville, AR trucking
#292 Bennett Dorrance $2.3 B $2.1 B 69 Paradise Valley, AZ Campbell Soup
#293 Bill Gross $2.3 B $2.3 B 71 Laguna Beach, CA investments
#294 John Arrillaga $2.3 B $2.3 B 77 Portola Valley, CA real estate
#295 William Koch $2.3 B $3.3 B 75 Palm Beach, FL oil, investments
#296 Don Hankey $2.3 B $2.1 B 72 Malibu, CA auto loans
#297 Clemmie Spangler Jr $2.3 B $2.3 B 83 Charlotte, NC investments
#298 Stephen Mandel Jr $2.3 B $2.1 B 59 Greenwich, CT hedge funds
#299 Joe Mansueto $2.3 B $2 B 58 Chicago, IL investment research
#300 Thomas Siebel $2.3 B $2.3 B 62 Woodside, CA business software
#301 Richard Peery $2.3 B $2.2 B 76 Palo Alto, CA real estate
#302 Ted Turner $2.2 B $2.2 B 76 Atlanta, GA cable television
#303 Pat Stryker $2.2 B $2 B 59 Fort Collins, CO medical equipment
#304 Michael Jaharis $2.2 B $2.2 B 86 New York, NY pharmaceuticals
#305 Vincent Viola $2.2 B $1.7 B 59 New York, NY electronic trading
#306 Larry Robbins $2.2 B $1.7 B 45 Alpine, NJ hedge funds
#307 Jim Breyer $2.2 B $2.1 B 53 Woodside, CA venture capital
#308 James Coulter $2.2 B $2.2 B 55 San Francisco, CA private equity
#309 Daniel Pritzker $2.2 B $2.2 B 56 Marin County, CA hotels, investments
#310 Evan Williams $2.2 B $3.2 B 43 San Francisco, CA Twitter
#311 Meg Whitman $2.2 B $2 B 58 Atherton, CA Ebay
#312 Peter Thiel $2.2 B $2.2 B 47 San Francisco, CA Facebook
#313 James France $2.2 B $2.1 B 70 Daytona Beach, FL Nascar, racing
#314 Douglas Leone $2.2 B $2.1 B 58 Atherton, CA venture capital
#315 C. Dean Metropoulos $2.2 B $2.1 B 69 Greenwich, CT investments
#316 John Pritzker $2.2 B $2.1 B 62 San Francisco, CA hotels, investments
#317 Gerald Ford $2.1 B $2.1 B 70 Dallas, TX banking
#318 Julio Mario Santo Domingo III $2.1 B n/a 30 New York, NY beer
#318 Tatiana Casiraghi $2.1 B n/a 31 Paris beer
#320 Bob Parsons $2.1 B $1.9 B 64 Scottsdale, AZ web hosting
#321 Brad Kelley $2.1 B $2.1 B 58 Franklin, TN tobacco
#322 Gordon Getty $2.1 B $2.1 B 81 San Francisco, CA Getty Oil
#323 Jonathan Nelson $2.1 B $1.6 B 59 Providence, RI private equity
#324 Scott Cook $2.1 B $1.85 B 62 Woodside, CA software
#325 Chase Coleman III $2.1 B $1.9 B 40 New York, NY hedge fund
#326 Alec Gores $2.1 B $2.1 B 62 Beverly Hills, CA private equity
#327 John Brown $2.1 B $1.8 B 80 Portage, MI medical equipment
#328 Noam Gottesman $2.1 B $2.1 B 54 New York, NY hedge funds
#329 George Argyros $2.1 B $2.1 B 78 Newport Beach, CA real estate, investments
#330 Fayez Sarofim $2.1 B $2.1 B 86 Houston, TX money management
#331 Anita Zucker $2.1 B $2.3 B 63 Charleston, SC chemicals
#332 S. Daniel Abraham $2.1 B $2 B 90 Palm Beach, FL Slim-Fast
#333 Russ Weiner $2 B $2.5 B 45 Delray Beach, FL energy drinks
#334 Robert Pera $2 B $2.8 B 37 San Jose, CA technology
#335 John Farber $2 B $2 B 89 New York, NY chemicals
#336 Ron Baron $2 B $2.1 B 72 New York, NY money management
#337 Glenn Dubin $2 B $1.9 B 58 New York, NY hedge funds
#338 Thomas Lee $2 B $2 B 70 New York, NY leveraged buyouts
#339 Stanley Hubbard $2 B $2.1 B 82 St. Paul, MN DirecTV
#340 Jon Stryker $1.99 B $1.8 B 57 Kalamazoo, MI medical equipment
#341 Bruce Karsh $1.97 B $2 B 59 Los Angeles, CA private equity
#342 Joseph Grendys $1.97 B $2.4 B 53 Chicago, IL Meat Processing
#343 Jeffrey Lorberbaum $1.96 B n/a 60 Chattanooga, TN flooring
#344 Howard Marks $1.96 B $2 B 69 New York, NY private equity
#345 Edward Bass $1.96 B $2.3 B 70 Fort Worth, TX oil, investments
#345 Lee Bass $1.96 B $2.3 B 59 Fort Worth, TX oil, investments
#347 Jurgen Blickle $1.96 B n/a 68 Bruchsal auto parts
#348 Jonathan Gray $1.96 B $1.6 B 45 New York, NY investments
#349 Stewart Rahr $1.94 B $1.9 B 69 New York, NY drug distribution
#350 Drayton McLane Jr $1.94 B $2 B 78 Temple, TX Wal-Mart, logistics
#351 Nelson Peltz $1.93 B $1.8 B 73 Bedford, NY investments
#352 Paul Singer $1.92 B $1.9 B 70 New York, NY hedge funds
#353 Victor Fung $1.92 B $2.5 B 69 Hong Kong trading company
#354 David Einhorn $1.91 B $1.8 B 46 Westchester County, NY hedge funds
#355 Ronald Wanek $1.91 B $1.9 B 74 St. Petersburg, FL furniture
#356 Joe Gebbia $1.9 B n/a 33 San Francisco, CA Airbnb
#356 Nathan Blecharczyk $1.9 B n/a 32 San Francisco, CA Airbnb
#358 Hamilton James $1.9 B $1.7 B 63 New York, NY investments
#359 Robert Fisher $1.89 B $2.1 B 61 San Francisco, CA Gap
#360 Mark Walter $1.89 B $1.75 B 54 Chicago, IL finance
#361 William Fisher $1.89 B $2.1 B 58 San Francisco, CA Gap
#362 Brian Chesky $1.89 B n/a 33 San Francisco, CA Airbnb
#363 Norman Braman $1.88 B $1.9 B 82 Miami, FL art, car dealerships
#364 Marc Lasry $1.87 B $1.8 B 54 New York, NY hedge funds
#365 Henry Nicholas III $1.87 B $1.6 B 55 Newport Coast, CA semiconductors
#366 Tom Benson $1.87 B $1.6 B 87 New Orleans, LA New Orleans Saints
#367 Kavitark Ram Shriram $1.86 B $1.9 B 58 Menlo Park, CA venture capital, Google
#368 Amy Wyss $1.85 B n/a 44 Wilson, WY medical devices
#369 Linda Pritzker $1.85 B $1.85 B 61 Missoula, MT hotels, investments
#370 Jerry Yang $1.83 B $2 B 46 Los Altos Hills, CA Yahoo
#371 Thomas Secunda $1.83 B $1.75 B 61 Croton-on-Hudson, NY Bloomberg LP
#372 Phillip Ruffin $1.83 B $2.5 B 80 Las Vegas, NV casinos, real estate
#373 Craig McCaw $1.82 B $1.9 B 65 Hunts Point, WA telecom
#374 David Walentas $1.82 B $1.7 B 76 New York, NY real estate
#375 Bill Haslam $1.82 B n/a 56 Knoxville, TN truck stops
#376 Neal Patterson $1.81 B $1.55 B 65 Loch Lloyd, MO health IT
#377 Rodney Lewis $1.81 B $2.5 B 61 San Antonio, TX natural gas
#378 Manuel Moroun $1.81 B $1.7 B 88 Grosse Pointe Shores, MI transportation
#379 Kenneth Feld $1.8 B $1.8 B 66 Tampa, FL circus, live entertainment
#380 Richard Yuengling Jr $1.8 B n/a 72 Pottsville, PA beer
#381 Daniel Harrison III $1.79 B n/a 67 Houston, TX oil and gas
#382 Peter Peterson $1.78 B $1.7 B 89 New York, NY investments
#383 Jennifer Pritzker $1.78 B $1.8 B 63 Chicago, IL hotels, investments
#384 Rainer Blickle $1.76 B n/a - Bruchsal auto parts
#385 Yuri Shefler $1.76 B n/a 47 Geneva alcohol
#386 Timothy Boyle $1.76 B n/a 65 Portland, OR Columbia Sportswear
#387 Luigi Rovati $1.76 B n/a 86 Monza pharmaceuticals
#388 Dan Snyder $1.76 B $1.7 B 50 Potomac, MD Washington Redskins
#389 Anne Gittinger $1.76 B $1.6 B 79 Seattle, WA Nordstrom department stores
#390 H. Ross Perot Jr $1.75 B $1.9 B 56 Dallas, TX computer services, real estate
#390 Louis Bacon $1.75 B $1.6 B 57 Oyster Bay, NY hedge funds
#392 James Irsay $1.74 B $1.7 B 56 Carmel, IN Indianapolis Colts
#393 Bruce Nordstrom $1.73 B $1.55 B 81 Seattle, WA department stores
#394 Billy Joe (Red) McCombs $1.72 B $2 B 87 San Antonio, TX real estate, oil, cars
#395 Catherine Lozick $1.71 B $2 B 70 Chagrin Falls, OH Manufacturing
#396 Joe Jamail Jr $1.7 B $1.7 B 89 Houston, TX lawsuits
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